Spiritual Strongholds

This past week I had the privilege to attend the annual KCM Ministers Conference.  One of the speakers, Pastor Mac Hammond shared on the “Love of God.”  He shared several points that may hinder a believer from receiving the Father’s love.  I was thinking more about that message and about strongholds that either we allow,… Read more »

Radiant Happenings! January 26th

Have you been hearing from some people that it seems like the month of January flew by, yet for others it drug slowly by? The people who feel that they didn’t really get to bask in the newness of the first month of the year somehow feel “cheated”. While those for whom the month went… Read more »

Uncovering the City of David

Sunday Outline – January 22, 2023 Ze’ev Orenstein, director of international affairs for the City of David spoke this past Sunday. The Pool of Siloam, Journey underneath Jerusalem from the City of David to the Gihon spring. Pastor George shared before Ze’ev spoke on the meaning of Tzedakah, a Hebrew word meaning "righteousness," but commonly used to signify charity. This… Read more »

Superkid Academy – January 19

Commander’s Corner: The building continues in Superkid Academy as we teach birth-5th graders how to put the Word of God first place. This week in Superkids we are teaching the children the story of when Jesus multiplied the two fish and five loaves of bread from John 6. This story shows us that a young boy put the… Read more »

Open The Prison Doors

Hebrews 13:1-3 TPT “No matter what, make room in your heart to love every believer. And show hospitality to strangers, for they may be angels from God showing up as your guests. Identify with those who are in prison as though you were there suffering with them, and those who are mistreated as if you could… Read more »

The Power of Your Testimony

Revelation 12:11; the Passion “They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb and the bold word of their witness. They weren’t in love with themselves; they were willing to die for Christ.” This verse focuses on believers on earth during the second half of the Tribulation. All believers are created to be overcomers (Romans 8:37;… Read more »

Do you want to change?

Sunday Outline – January 15, 2023 Last Sunday, Brother Rick Renner brought the Word, “Do you want to change?”     John 5:1 Bro. Rick began by looking at the healing ministry of Jesus. Jesus went up to Jerusalem, as geographically it was higher than the surrounding area.   Feast – the Word doesn’t tell… Read more »

Superkid Academy – January 12

Commander’s Corner: We are continuing to build a strong foundation this month in Superkid Academy! Our Superkids are learning how to put the Word of God first place and make it final authority in their lives. This week, we will teach Superkids the Bible story of the wise man and the foolish man found in Matthew… Read more »

Radiant Happenings! January 12th

January is normally when many people make new resolutions or goals for the year. However, it seems that many have foregone making those resolutions or goals because they don’t want to be disappointed or “feel bad” if they don’t fulfill/reach them. May I be blunt and say failure to make resolutions or goals is sin!… Read more »