Posts Categorized: Prayer Everywhere

SWBC Prayer Call Campaign 2024

Southwest Believers’ Convention 2024 is just a few weeks away, and we have great expectations for more, and more, and more, and MORE!   We are stirred up, and READY to pray with great intent and purpose!    Through the month of July, leading right up to SWBC, we are incorporating prayer for SWBC into… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – SWBC & RealLife Classes

Southwest Believers’ Convention 2023 was a meeting like none other! We had many powerful times of prayer and heard the Word from many anointed speakers. This meeting was one that changed our lives forever. People from across the world came together to receive from God and bring their supply and we are so thankful that… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – May – Month of Prayer

May was a power-packed month! From National Day of Prayer to Wednesday Night Breakout Groups, we took much territory in prayer. NDP is one of the biggest prayer events of the year. With 30 groups praying over various aspects of our Nation, tremendous power was made available to prevent things, change things, and overcome everything!… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – Ps. 91 Initiative

Hello Pray-ers!  How exciting it is to be in the Body for such a time as this!  Recently, Pastor Terri has received a special direction from the Lord regarding praying Psalm 91 over properties and families. Some of the topics we are praying Psalm 91 over include campuses, homes, offices, schools, staff, congregants, partners, and… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – February 9th

Hello Pray-ers! We’re already off to a great start this year. If you were at the New Year’s Eve Service with Brother Copeland, you know that it was a powerful time! Brother Copeland delivered the Word of the Lord for the new year, and we are running with it in prayer. If you weren’t able… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere Blog – Midterm Elections

Faithful Pray-ers, we have had powerful times of prayer during our Midterm Election Prayer Call Campaign. As Pastor George has said, we are having “Strong Word. Strong Faith. Strong Prayer over our Nation!” Praise God that He is moving on behalf of our nation through our prayers!  This move of God is causing an Awakening… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – VICTORYTHON

What amazing times of prayer we had during VICTORYthon! Tremendous power was made available through our prayers for the broadcasters and the VICTORY Channel. That power is still working as the giving is still coming in! Pastor George said, “We’re not operating off of this economy. We’re operating off of the Kingdom economy.” We have… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere SWBC

We stepped over into a new place in the Spirit during the Southwest Believers’ Convention! As Sister Billye Brim prophesied in 2002, “Believers’ Conventions have taken on a new dimension with this one. And have moved into a new realm and upon a higher plane. They will gain in importance from this one. They will… Read more »