May was a power-packed month! From National Day of Prayer to Wednesday Night Breakout Groups, we took much territory in prayer. NDP is one of the biggest prayer events of the year. With 30 groups praying over various aspects of our Nation, tremendous power was made available to prevent things, change things, and overcome everything! We thank each of you that were a part of this event by joining prayer calls, attending NDP Events, and bringing your supply in NDP Breakout Groups.
With this prayer increase, Pastor Terri dedicated every Wednesday night service in May to prayer. As a church, we came together to pray over many topics such as the Awakening, the Outpouring, our Leaders, and other areas involving the Jews, the Nations, and the Church. As Pastor Terri said recently, “It’s the Church that makes the difference. It’s the Church that takes the stand. It’s the Church that can turn the course of this Nation, for they cannot turn it themselves.” This is why it’s so critical that we as the Church take our position of authority and pray for our leaders and the Nation.
Through these prayer times, we learned that every person has a supply in the corporate anointing. Ms. Iva showed us in the Book of Acts the foundation of corporate prayer and prayer groups in the early church. We had training on the dos and the don’ts of praying in a group and implemented through our breakout groups led by our very own Prayer Leaders. Pastor Holden Hanley also taught us that our personal prayer lives are directly related to our corporate prayer life. We must spend time with Him in private to bring a supply in the corporate setting.
Although May has come to an end, we are continuing to pray fervently in righteousness and avail much in our prayer groups. We have many prayer events coming up that you will want to be a part of! For more information on joining a prayer group, you can visit www.emic.org/ministry/pg.
– The Prayer Everywhere Team
Upcoming Events:
- Event: SWBC Prayer Call Campaign
- Dates: Monday, July 3 – Friday, July 28 (No calls on July 4)
- Days: Monday – Friday
- Times: 6:00am and 7:00pm CST (evening calls on Monday and Friday only)
- Call-In Number: (605) 313-4201
- Access Code: 5206050#
- Event: Pre-Service Prayer
- Days: Every Sunday
- Times: 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. CST
- Location: SLC Auditorium