Train Like A Faith Champion

2025 is our championship year! Just like in sports, in order to have a championship year, you have to prepare ahead of time through training. You don’t just walk onto the basketball court or the football field without spending much time in preparation. Join our coaches for the year, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, as they train you in how to locate your faith, develop your faith, and release your faith to meet your needs, as well as others’. You and those around you can be part of a winning team in God, and enjoy 2025 as your championship year!

We want to bless you with the FREE audio teachings by Kenneth Copeland below to help you train like a faith champion! Simply click the download button and these audio files will download to your device.

In Faith: How It Works, Kenneth Copeland answers these questions and more: What is faith? Who has faith? How do you know you have faith? Who can use faith? How do you use faith? How do you release your faith? When you learn how to operate in faith, you can see victory in your life because faith is the victory that overcomes the world!

As a believer, God has given you all the faith you need for life. Learn how to grow and develop your faith in this Faith Series by Kenneth Copeland. Just like you exercise your body to get stronger physically, you can exercise your faith to become stronger spiritually. And those who are strong in the Lord will do great exploits for the kingdom of God!

Jesus died and rose again for you to experience eternal life in heaven, and He also gave you authority in this earthly realm over all the power of the enemy. You don’t have to let the devil run roughshod over you and your family. Learn about the authority you have and how to use it in Authority of the Believer by Kenneth Copeland.

Counter the devil’s lies with the Word of God in this digital audio, Freedom From Fear, by Kenneth Copeland. You will discover how to recognize fear-filled thoughts and ideas and counter them with the truth of the Word of God. Put fear on the run and experience freedom in your life!

You can also download these FREE teachings by Kenneth Copeland from the KCM app available in the Apple or Android store. Search for “Kenneth Copeland Ministries.” After opening the app, click on Audio Teachings to find these products and more.

Your Faith Is Coming Alive in 2025! Pastor George invites you to train like a faith champion. The following messages will coach you through how to locate your faith, then develop your faith. Discover whether you have no faith, misplaced faith, little faith, weak faith, shipwrecked faith, unfeigned faith or great faith. No matter where you are in your faith, you can grow stronger so your faith will come alive in 2025!

Watch Pastor George teach about the various types of faith and how to grow your faith. Once you locate your own faith, you can follow the Apostle Paul’s strategic faith development plan to grow your faith from little to great! As you do, your faith will come alive in 2025!

Pastor George continues his series on growing your faith. In this message, you’ll learn how to set your faith goal. For instance, maybe you have a little faith for healing; you can learn how to grow your faith for healing to experience a body that is well, healthy and whole. Set your faith goal for 2025!

Join Pastor George in Part 3 of his stronger faith series and discover God’s strategic, targeted plan that will develop and grow your faith. The stronger your faith, the easier it is to walk in victory in spite of what is taking place around you. You can have championship faith in 2025!

Watch Pastor George explain how to train like a faith champion by sharing step 1 in the training process: Receive Jesus as the Developer of your faith. Learn how this step will enable you to stand strong in faith and tackle any challenges that come your way. Jesus, the Champion (Hebrews 12:2), along with all those in the grandstands of heaven are cheering you on!

Developing a championship faith—a faith large on the inside—requires receiving Jesus as the Developer of your faith, then allowing Him to develop your faith by putting your faith on the line. Every time you step out and stand on the Word of God, you put your faith on the line. Pastor George teaches you the 7 Fundamentals of God’s Word so you can give the Word first place and make it final authority in your life!

Pressure will try to creep in through thoughts. You may not even realize it, but thoughts will whisper to you, causing you to assume all kinds of things. Pastor Terri reminds you by the word of the Lord: “Stop fear-filled speculations and doubt-filled assumptions. Instead, embrace faith-filled expectations.” You have to recognize those thoughts and stop them. Begin now by saying the following:    

In the Name of Jesus, I stand on the Word of God.
Pressure, I speak to you: Get off me now! Be thou removed! Be thou cast into the sea!
God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
I have the peace of God that passes all understanding.
I cast all my care, all that worry, all that anxiety over onto You, God, right now in the Name of Jesus!
I have victory! I’m walking in victory!
This is my championship year and I take hold of this. I take my stand. And that Word settles it! I am free! I am delivered!
Pressure, leave now in Jesus’ Name.
I refuse the pressure and stress. I choose instead to enter the rest.

As you continue to feed on the Word of God, the Word will paint a picture of a faith-filled expectation for your life. Whatever you are believing God for, you can receive because you put the Word of God first place in your life and continue to stand on it in faith. Rejoice because 2025 is your championship year!

In order to train like a faith champion, you must make sure the words of your mouth line up with God’s Word. Declare this Faith Confession every day to remind yourself that you are on God’s winning team!
My faith is alive in 2025.
My faith is activated.
My faith is working and producing results.
My capacity for greater faith is enlarging.
My faith is getting stronger every day.
My faith is growing exceedingly.
I have a championship faith!
We are an unstoppable, undefeated championship team!
Don’t lose sight of the Word of God this year. Bite down on it like a bulldog, and don’t let go until you see your desired result. 2025 is your championship year!