Sunday Outline – January 22, 2023
Ze’ev Orenstein, director of international affairs for the City of David spoke this past Sunday.
The Pool of Siloam, Journey underneath Jerusalem from the City of David to the Gihon spring.
Pastor George shared before Ze’ev spoke on the meaning of Tzedakah, a Hebrew word meaning "righteousness," but commonly used to signify charity. This concept of "charity" differs from the modern understanding of "charity," as this is understood as a spontaneous act of goodwill and a marker of generosity.
Many ask why EMIC supports Israel? It is because of honoring God’s Word.
Genesis 12:3; NIV
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples of earth will be blessed through you.”
Completing his degree in a New York Jewish University, Ze’ev decided he would take a year to go to Israel and see firsthand the history of his Jewish heritage. He was exposed to the truth, and made a decision, “I want to be part of the story of what God is doing.”
As a Jew, the question is asked how do you become the light to the nations without being swallowed up by the world? The answer is you have a country that shines bright (Israel), with citizens that go into the world, but they know their heritage, their beliefs, and continue in the customs, and language of their ancestors.
Israel is both a place and a people; and we (believers) bless them to fulfill what God called them to fulfill – to be a blessing to us.
Jews bless nations, and the nations bless Israel.
The Bible is all about remembering, and Pharaoh (a type of the world), is about forgetting – forgetting or denying the promises made by God.
Ze’ev took us through the first two chapters of Exodos, showing us how two midwives feared (honored) the Lord, along with Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh's daughter had a revelation, “You don’t kill babies!”
Isaiah 56
How can Jerusalem be a place of prayer for all nations?
“One of most significant sites affirming Jerusalem’s Biblical heritage — not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact — with significance to billions around the world, was made accessible for the first time in 2,000 years,” said Ze’ev Orenstein.
Despite ongoing efforts at the United Nations and Palestinian leadership to erase Jerusalem’s heritage, in a few years’ time, the millions of people visiting the City of David annually will be able to walk in the footsteps of the Bible, connecting with the roots of their heritage and identity.
The Pool of Siloam is perhaps best known in the Bible as the place where Jesus took some dirt and made mud with his spit and then used the plaster to heal a man blind from birth (John 9). After Jesus had applied the mud, he instructed the man to go wash in the Pool of Siloam.
The Pool also has a rich history in Jewish tradition as part of the Pilgrimage Road. Worshippers would wash ceremonially in the pool before going up to the Temple. The freshwater pool actually dates back 2,700 years, to the 8th century BC, during the time of King Hezekiah. It is part of the extraordinary water system that Hezekiah built to supply Jerusalem with fresh water in case the city was ever besieged by foreign invaders (2 Kings 20:20).
The excavation of the full site is expected to take a few years, and there are plans for the public to view the excavation’s progress as the site is unearthed. This is one of the most significant archaeological finds in modern history and strengthens the veracity of biblical narratives.
Ze’ev shared how the Pool ties in with Psalms 120-134, known as the “Psalms of Ascent.”
To gain the full meaning of the Psalms of Ascent, please click here to listen to last week’s message.
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