Superkid Academy – September

September Theme: Phone a Friend! It’s always nice to phone a friend and have a good talk! Sometimes we even need to phone a friend to ask for help! Our series this month is all about how to talk to God through prayer! We are teaching Superkids the EMIC core value: We Pray About Everything!… Read more »

14forty Youth – September Update

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  UPCOMING LOCAL EVENTS Please visit emic.org/events for more information. Services Sunday School – 9:00am to 9:45am  |  Doors open at 8:30,… Read more »

Vote Righteously!

Second Corinthians 2:14 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition) is a great scripture to use for the upcoming elections. “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.” Our God is LORD and… Read more »

Back-to-School Prayers for Our Children

We are in the eighth month of “the Year of More and More, and More and More.”This word from The LORD through Brother Copeland tells us that it will be a year of morefinances, more healings, more miracles, more outpourings, more people coming to Jesus andmore good things happening. Let’s receive that by faith. The… Read more »

Fundamentos de la Fe

Ministrado por el Hermano Kenneth Copeland Fundamentos de la Fe – Ministrado por el Hermano Kenneth Copeland Éxodo 23:25; “Mas a Jehová vuestro Dios serviréis, y él bendecirá tu pan y tus aguas; y yo quitaré toda enfermedad de en medio de ti”. Cuando leemos un pasaje, necesitamos entender a quién se le está hablando. … Read more »

Call to Action: HB 1605

Act Now! The Texas State Board of Education is trying to adopt a new curriculum (HB 1605) that replaces secular humanism with the Christian values upon which our nation was founded. This curriculum is distributed beyond Texas, so it will impact other states. Those opposed are making noise. We need to be louder. Let them… Read more »

Radiant Happenings! August 29th

I've been studying the book of Matthew for quite a while now. At the moment I'm on Chapter 7, verses 13-14.  Matthew 7:13-14 (AMPC) "Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. 14 But the gate… Read more »