Back-to-School Prayers for Our Children

We are in the eighth month of “the Year of More and More, and More and More.”
This word from The LORD through Brother Copeland tells us that it will be a year of more
finances, more healings, more miracles, more outpourings, more people coming to Jesus and
more good things happening.
Let’s receive that by faith. The LORD also said, In 2024, we are
standing on VICTORY’S shore. We launch into the deep and a great harvest we will reap.

Pastor Terri and I so appreciate your dedication to EMIC and supply of the
Spirit you bring to our services and events! We believe The LORD will supply your
every need, and Psalm 115:14 tells us, “The LORD shall increase you more and more,
you and your children.” Receive that BLESSING for you, your children and your
children’s children!

Our children have a destiny to fulfill. You and I have a most crucial responsibility in
the fulfillment of that destiny. The most important thing we can do for our children is to pray
for them and speak God’s WORD over their lives. Throughout this letter, I will be quoting
passages from a book entitled Prayers That Prevail for Your Children.1 The chapter that I
am focusing on is called, “The Living Legacy of Godly Parents”: “Praying for our children
is a primary parental responsibility. More profoundly, it is a ministry of eternal proportions.
Through prayer, we make an investment in the lives of our children that will pay rich
dividends in their futures, the lives of their children, and in all succeeding generations.”

Samuel is a First Covenant example. He became a powerful prophet of God and
was a voice for the coming of Jesus. He had a mother who prayed for him and dedicated
his life to the service of The LORD. He was a “child of prayer.” According to 1 Samuel 1:27-
28, Hannah declared, “For this child I prayed; and The LORD hath given me my petition
which I asked of Him: Therefore also I have lent (returned) him to The LORD.”

Richards and Hildebrand quote E. M. Bounds: “Samuel came into this world
and was given existence in direct answer to prayer. He was born of a praying mother,
whose heart was full of earnest desire for a son. He came into life under prayer
surroundings and his first months in this world were spent in direct contact with a
woman who knew how to pray.”2

Timothy is a Second Covenant example. Paul wrote to him during a particularly
difficult time in his ministry. By way of encouragement, Paul called to remembrance “the unfeigned (sincere) faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that is in thee also” (2 Timothy 1:5). Timothy had a praying mother and grandmother. (What an unbeatable combination!) They believed God for the fulfillment of his ministry. Their prayers worked. Timothy became a major figure in the Bible who is known for his faithful service to the great Apostle Paul. The effects of their prayers have lived on for generations.

Pastor Terri and I have prayed over our children all their lives. We endeavored to train them up in the way that they should go (Proverbs 22:6). We are now praying over our grandchildren in the same way. We believe they will run their race, keep the faith and finish their course! The following are just a few of the paraphrased scriptures that Terri and I have used. Speak them out loud over the children of our church. We will see our words become flesh when we pray God’s WORD in faith:

  • Isaiah 49:25 (NKJV)—God will contend with him who contends with us, and He will save our children.
  • Isaiah 54:13 (AMPC)—Our children are disciples taught by The LORD and obedient to His will, and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of our children.
  • Philippians 1:6 (AMPC)—We are convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in our children will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in them.
  • Psalm 112:2—Our children shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be BLESSED.

This is just a start. Research scriptures about children and begin to build your own arsenal to confess and pray. Spend time praying in the spirit over your children. Allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you about them. I can remember specific things that were revealed to us about our children by the Holy Spirit. Back then, our children did not always appreciate the Holy Spirit for “telling on them,” but they appreciate it now!

“Father, I pray over the lives of our children and believe that they are protected, directed and will walk out their perfect callings. We all receive a greater sensitivity in helping to mold them into the image of our LORD Jesus Christ. I pray over this new school year and believe that our children are increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. They are kind, loving, respectful, obedient and honorable to authority. We return them to the service of our LORD. In Jesus’ Name we pray.”

Praise God for our children,

Pastor George

PS. I am really excited to announce that Nancy Dufresne will be our special guest speaker on Sunday, Sept. 22!
P.PS. The elections are coming sooner than we think. Early voting in some states begins up to 46 days before the election. I am calling for a corporate 14-day Daniel Fast for the nation beginning Sunday, Sept. 8 and concluding Saturday, Sept. 21. More information to come.

1 Prayers That Prevail for Your Children, Clift Richards and Lloyd Hildebrand (Tulsa: Victory House, 1994) pages 53-55.
2 Prayer and Praying Men, E.M. Bounds (Radford, Virginia: Wilder Publications).