Commander’s Corner:
The building continues in Superkid Academy as we teach birth-5th graders how to put the Word of God first place. This week in Superkids we are teaching the children the story of when Jesus multiplied the two fish and five loaves of bread from John 6. This story shows us that a young boy put the Word of God first place! Jesus said He wanted to feed the crowds, and this little boy gave his food to Jesus. It’s recorded that over five thousand people (plus women and children) were fed that day. I believe that little boy learned a very valuable lesson that when you put God’s Word first place, you can live the life of abundance and overflow that Jesus has promised to us.
Remember to go over our monthly memory verse with your Superkid at home! Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Wednesday Night:
Our elective highlight for this week is our 5th Grade Blue Squad. This class is to help our 5th graders prepare for their transition into 14forty middle school. Cmdr. Jennifer will teach the 1st round of classes. She will teach them about leaving a legacy and help them gain confidence as they step into their new season. They will also do fun activities such as writing thank you notes to those who have influenced them in SKA, creating a book with their favorite Superkid memories, and painting canvases to display on the stage at camp 2023.