Preparation & Training

The National Weather Service says storm season is upon us. Tornado season typically runs from May – June and hurricane season is from June – November. That’s just over half of the year that we’re supposed to have an extra awareness of what might or might not happen with the weather. The EMIC Relief Team… Read more »

Strategy for Overcoming Satan’s Attacks

Strategy for Overcoming Satan’s Attacks  1 John 4:4 states that we can overcome temptation because “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” Satan is the master deceiver, but God tells us in His word that we can win the victory over temptation. The Bible lays out… Read more »

Radiant Happenings!

Connecting with our sisters-in-Christ is an important part of church life. If you have not been making those connections, plan to attend our Radiant Summer Social coming on June 9th!! More details to come, but you can be sure it is a night you do NOT want to miss!! Are you wanting to be involved… Read more »

Superkid Academy

Commander’s Corner: Summertime is right around the corner! The kids are wrapping up school, and this is a great time to have more quality family time without all the extra school work.  Take time and plan something fun this summer with your family.  This can be as big as a family vacation, or as simple… Read more »

May 24th Voter Information

To see your area ballot and run-off voting by your address:  https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2022/texas-runoff-2022-ballot-may-24/ To see how candidates rate and read up on candidates: https://ivoterguide.com/all-in-state/tx To find voting locations by address and to pull sample ballots for your area: https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/ Why do we vote? Appointing leaders to rule and judge over us has been God’s plan for… Read more »

Superkid Academy

Commander’s Corner: There is an EXPLOSION of bravery happening in the Faith Lab! Our Superkids are going to learn about the story of David and Goliath. David was a young man who had faith in God no matter the giant that stood before him. This week, read 1 Samuel 17 with your children. Talk about… Read more »

Feeding Others

Our focus in Outreach this week is on our two food pantry ministries – Life Unlimited Food Ministry in Fort Worth and Newark Food Pantry. Both ministry groups give our church members the opportunity to love on others in our community while feeding them both physically and spiritually. By doing this, we are following multiple… Read more »

The Benefits of Obedience

    The Benefits of Obedience  A relationship is built on two pillars. Love and trust. You cannot love someone deeper than you can trust them. Trust is built on truth. Paul states in 2 Timothy 3:7 that in the last days people “are always learning but never come to the knowledge of the truth.” This describes… Read more »

Radiant Happenings!

What a powerful word we received from Pastor Jennifer Manning at our Radiant meeting this past Thursday! If you were not able to be with us, you can still hear the message via our Radiant Women’s Facebook Page It is important to stay connected in other ways besides church, so here is a look at… Read more »

14forty Youth May Blog

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! 14forty Pastors Kathryn Hanley, Holden Hanley, and Ara Veney. Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  Recent Event Highlights: EMIC hosted an awesome Community Event at Dorado Park… Read more »