Good King-Bad King

Pastor George Pearsons- September 2022

Second Corinthians 2:14, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, is a great scripture to use for the
upcoming midterm elections: “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph
[as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the
knowledge of God everywhere.”

Our God is LORD and King. He will have His way with the United States of America. We are
partnered together with Him as we pray and vote. Our vote is our voice. We will be heard. Our
vote is our seed. We will reap the harvest. And we prosper no matter the economy. Philippians 4:19
(AMPC) says, “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His
riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Because we acknowledge God as LORD and King, we can be confident that He will BLESS
and prosper us, no matter how bleak things appear or what challenges we face. Pastor Terri and
I pray for you daily, thanking God that you are part of our EMIC church family and asking that He
continue to meet your every need according to His will and purpose for you.

The midterm elections are right around the corner. Make sure you are registered to vote.
The last day to register to vote in Texas is Tuesday, Oct. 11.
Go online to and REGISTER TODAY!

Pastor Terri and I have been discussing the election, and the topic of Israel’s good and bad
kings. They definitely made a difference in Israel—for better or worse. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When
the [uncompromisingly] righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked man
rules, the people groan and sigh” (AMPC)

So, I began a study of the righteous kings and the wicked kings. I learned about the criteria
of good kings. They did what was pleasing in the sight of The LORD and they feared God. I also
learned about the criteria of bad kings. They did what was evil in the sight of The LORD and they
did not fear God.

The entire country did better when godly kings were in charge.

King Jehoshaphat’s righteous stand, for instance, affected surrounding lands. Second Chronicles
17:10 tells us, “And the fear of The LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were around
Judah, and they made no war against Jehoshaphat.”

Here are two examples of evil kings:

Omri did what was evil in The LORD’s sight. He was more evil than any of the kings before
him. Even the people provoked the anger of The LORD. Ahab (the son of Omri) did what was evil
in The LORD’s sight. His marriage to Jezebel made conditions even worse.

Praise God for good and righteous kings!

The LORD called David a man after His own heart—a man who also determined to fulfill His
will. King Hezekiah was pleasing in The LORD’s sight. He removed the pagan shrines, smashed the
sacred pillars, and broke up the bronze serpent. He trusted in The LORD. Second Kings 18:5,
New Living Translation, says, “There was no one like him among the kings of Judah, either before
or after his time.”

King Josiah also did what was pleasing in The LORD’s sight.

We are no longer in the Old Testament times where self-appointed kings reigned. That is why
the Declaration of Independence was written. Enough was enough! The colonists were fed up with
living under the tyrannical thumb of King George. Get this straight. The United States of America is
not ruled by a king.

We have the right to choose our own officials through fair and uncorrupt elections. Through
our vote, we choose our senators, representatives, judges—and our president. If we don’t like the
way our country is headed, we change its course through prayer and in the voting booth.

I am encouraging all our EMIC congregation, emembers and the KCM Partners to stand in
faith, pray in faith and vote in faith.

Let’s pray together over these upcoming midterm elections.

“Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray over our nation and the upcoming midterm elections.
We believe we receive leaders who follow the same criteria of the leaders of old. Our leaders will
do what is pleasing in the sight of The LORD. Our leaders will fear God. We declare there will be
absolutely zero corruption in this election. Those who try to corrupt it will be stopped, caught and
prosecuted. We take our place and stand, pray and vote! AMEN! SO BE IT!”

God BLESS the United States of America,

Pastor George