Radiant Happenings!

Have you ever been out in the heat and by the time you got indoors and into the AC your body felt weak? I have and it is definitely something I try to avoid when at all possible! Likewise, our spirits can go through a spiritual “heat” or battle that leaves us feeling spiritually weak…. Read more »

Revive Your City…Ignite The World!

It’s happening soon! The 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention is an event that you won’t want to miss. Kenneth Copeland Ministries is celebrating 55 years in service to the Lord. We’ll have 6 full days of faith-filled teaching from 7 speakers! And there’s even something for the kids – Superkid Academy and 14forty Youth services. It’s… Read more »

Never Alone

Having fellowship with other believers is a blessing that has been given to the body of Christ. Maintaining healthy, Christ-centered relationships is a crucial part of keeping our mind, will, and emotions centered on God.   It can be difficult to look at things happening in the world right now and not be discouraged. Many… Read more »

14forty Youth Blog – July 6th

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! 14forty Pastors Kathryn Hanley, Holden Hanley, and Ara Veney. Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  Special Announcement: Services & Broadcasts Join us for our regularly scheduled services. … Read more »

Radiant Happenings!

Do you have a favorite summer fruit? For many it is watermelon, for others it might be cantaloupe, but whatever your favorite is, there was a growth process involved before it was ripe enough to pick and enjoy partaking of it. So it is with us, when it comes to fulfilling the call of Christ… Read more »

Soul Purpose – Pt.2

“Meeting God Face To Face” Last week we saw that our Soul Purpose, according to the Bible is TO KNOW GOD INTIMATELY…! For many years the Hebrew people were tied to the hip with God…, but in Exodus 32, Moses, had gone up on Mt. Sinai to receive direction from God, & the people were… Read more »

Superkid Academy – July 6

Commander’s Corner: This week in Superkid Academy is all about water baptism!  What a great time to talk about water baptism, since many Superkids are spending their summer days at the pool.  We will teach them one of the most important baptism stories in the Bible: the time when Jesus was baptized in John chapter… Read more »

Soul-Purpose – Pt.1 – June 30

A few years ago, I was invited to go Target Practice Shooting with handguns.  It seemed like a fun thing to do so we headed out to the shooting range & my friend handed me some earmuffs/goggles & then he handed me a 9MM handgun & showed me how it worked. I aimed it at the target… Read more »

Serving God

When we talk about serving in the church, we usually refer to Jesus telling His disciples that He came to be a servant, not to be served Himself. (Matthew 20:24-28) His life was all about serving others through His teachings and His healing ministry. He also led by example as He washed the disciples’ feet… Read more »

Superkid Academy – June 30

Commander’s Corner: July is a fun summer month!  Time for swimming, cookouts, and fireworks with friends and family!  In Superkid Academy, we are starting a new series called “Living Waters.”  Our Superkids are going to learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and water baptism.  In honor of Independence Day, Sunday, July 3rd our topic… Read more »