Wherefore take unto you the whole Armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to STAND. Ephesians 6:13 KJV (emphasis mine)
Men, we are continuing in our series on The Power of the Armor of God during our upcoming Men’s Breakfast on May 21st, 8:00AM.
The purpose of God’s Armor on us is both defensive and offensive, however, in both cases, meant for battle! In Ephesians 6:13, to withstand means to offer strong opposition to and to actively resist. To stand means to not give up any ground – that is – ground that you occupy and take back from the devil!
There is so much at stake in these end times that we must be actively standing in faith about right now.
- Truth to return to the pulpits in America
- Abortion to be abolished
- The Word of faith to be taught on every available voice
- America to stand as an evangelistic light for the world
- Israel and its people to be protected as many return home
These are just to name a few. There are active opportunities to be involved in affecting each one of these areas here at EMIC, our community, school and voting involvement and through effective faith-filled prayers.
That is why our Men’s Ministry is designed to equip you with biblical weapons of warfare and disciple you and one another in meaningful relationships so that we join our faith for victory!
Come and be a part of our Men’s Movement!
To register for our Men’s Breakfast just click the link below:
For our Ministry Table Leaders: We will be making a change for this month to our Monthly Leadership Meeting. This month it will move to the third Thursday night of the month, that is, Thursday May 19th at 7:00PM.
Can’t wait to see you all!
Love and blessings! Pastor Al