I don't know about you, but after Pastor Terri's message on Sunday on the names of God, who He is, and His characteristics, EVERYTHING within me has been shouting, LOOK AT HOW GREAT MY GOD IS!! If you missed the service, you can watch it here: His Name
Now for this week's verse in Proverbs 2:
"For skillful and godly Wisdom shall enter into your heart, and knowledge shall be pleasant to you." Proverbs 2:10 (AMPC)
Verse 10 tells us how we are able to understand every good path – because skillful and godly Wisdom shall enter into your heart. You see, wisdom is not a matter of the head; it's a matter of the heart or the spirit. Think of it in this way, Moses didn't have the written Word. Even though Moses was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he wrote some of the Bible, he didn't have the entire written text to read whenever he desired as we do.
And the Apostle Paul didn't have the New Testament to read either. He had to go before God and receive revelation about the mystery of the gospel and then write down that revelation in letters to the churches.
But you and I do have the entire written Word. We have access to all the revelation written down in black and white that the men of the Bible received from God. Not only that, but we also have the Holy Spirit alive and working in us to give us revelation for today. Considering all the advantages that come with living in this day, we should be far ahead of where the early Church was spiritually!
Listen to what the Kesuvim / The Writings (Mishlei/Proverbs) on pg. 17 say about verse ten:
Vs. 10 "When wisdom enters your heart. When wisdom becomes a part of you, you will love it and seek more (Radak). With effort and Divine assistance, a person can achieve a level where wisdom becomes second nature, to such an extent that his Evil Inclination will be powerless. Such a person will have "wisdom in his heart," and he will not suffer from inner strife and turmoil [cf. 10:0] (Malbim)."
Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups!
- Thursday, May 2nd is our monthly Radiant Book Club meeting. We meet every 1st Thursday at 12:15 pm in the WordWorks Bookstore. The book selected for our May discussion is Love: The Way To Victory by Brother Kenneth Hagin. Register today and discover hidden written treasures you may have never chosen on your own, as well as special perks for being a member – did I mention it’s free to register! Registration has its perks! You must be registered in the Radiant Book Club to get the discounted price of 15% off the books we will be reading! We have other surprises that come with membership! YOU DO NEED TO ATTEND to get the most out of your membership!
You can register here: Radiant Book Club - Sunday, May 5th is when Bridge Moms meet to cook the meal for our Bridge Young Adults group. We cook every 1st & 3rd Sunday. 2:30pm-6:30pm / Prep to clean up. This group requires a food handlers license (license fee reimbursed upon completion). If you are interested in joining, please reach out directly to Pastor Cathy: cgrigg@emic.org
- Monday, May 6th is our weekly Radiant Discipleship group led by Pastor Cathy Grigg. Join us as we study Dr. Bill Winston's teaching on Living In The Fourth Dimension! We meet at 12:15 pm in the Hospitality Room. This group is also available via Zoom! Click here to register!
- Thursday, May 9th is our next Radiant meeting. Join us at 7pm in the chapel as we honor our spiritual mothers and female generals in the faith by gleaning from their wisdom on living in a state of spiritual readiness. Doors open at 6:30 pm with food and fellowship. Children’s ministry is provided for ages birth-5th grade. Registration is required, so bring a friend and register today here: Radiant
For information on any of our groups, email women@emic.org. Also, if you are ever in need of prayer, please call our prayer line at 877-281-6297. Or, if you need pastoral counseling, call the church office at 817-252-2900 to schedule a time to meet with me.
You are LOVED!
Pastor Cathy