What a wonderful service we had this past Sunday in honor of Mother’s Day! I know for some this day may come with some sadness, but let me encourage you – in the eyes of someone (maybe not even someone you know) you are a mother figure to them. Which means, as women, we need to always be mindful of who is observing us, and what our actions and words are saying to them. Be the best mother figure you can to those around you, and enjoy this day knowing your Heavenly Father sees you, and will acknowledge you openly in Heaven!
I meet many women who are looking for groups they can connect with, that I felt it was important to share what Radiant has to offer with you each week. So, here is a look at what is happening this week into next!
- Thursday, May 12th is our monthly Radiant meeting with Pastor Jennifer Manning. Join us as we salute our female generals in the faith while enjoying food, fellowship, and a word from our Father to His daughters through Pastor Jennifer!
- Saturday, May 14th is our Advancing in Faith group meeting. They are currently going through Brother Copeland’s Faith Series. They meet at 9am in the Living Room modular.
- Monday, May 16th we have our #MomLife Playday – a group for all moms with children ages elementary and younger to gather together while their children play, make connections, and enjoy some snacks! They meet at 10:30am at the EMIC playground.
- Monday, May 16th we also have our Radiant Discipleship group. They are currently going through Sister Gloria Copeland’s book on the Fruit of the Spirit, and meet at 12:15pm in the Living Room modular.
- Tuesday, May 17th our Bridge Moms meet to cook the meal for our Bridge Young Adults group. This group requires a food handlers license, so if you are interested in joining, please reach out directly to Pastor Cathy: cgrigg@emic.org
To learn more about any of the groups mentioned, email women@emic.org
Pastor Cathy