Superkid Academy – October 6

Commander’s Corner: This week in Superkid Academy we are learning about “Thankful Praise” and how Hannah praised God for her miracle son, Samuel. Hannah prayed a very long time for a child, and when her prayers were answered, she remembered to worship God with gratitude. We want to teach our kids the importance of thankfulness… Read more »

The Crucifixion 

Pastor George has taken the past three weeks and taught us God’s Word in the area of families, abortion, and children.   Making godly decisions in the face of political choice.  Today, I want to take a few minutes and look at what John records about the crucifixion of Jesus. John’s perspective varies significantly from… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere – VICTORYTHON

What amazing times of prayer we had during VICTORYthon! Tremendous power was made available through our prayers for the broadcasters and the VICTORY Channel. That power is still working as the giving is still coming in! Pastor George said, “We’re not operating off of this economy. We’re operating off of the Kingdom economy.” We have… Read more »

Election Resources

Making Your Vote in Faith Count!   Psalm 33:12  Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.   This blog will supply on-going information to help educate and activate you to influence outcomes as you occupy the ground God established you in.  … Read more »

14forty Youth Blog – Sept 29, 2022

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! 14forty Pastors Kathryn Hanley, Holden Hanley, and Ara Veney. Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  HIGHLIGHTS: Middle School Mini Golf The 14forty Middle Schoolers gathered together for… Read more »

Radiant Happenings! September 29th

Accusers… condemnation… judgment… Are any of these words striking a chord with you? Many times those words bring up things from our past – a time when we either intentionally, ignorantly, or foolishly made a wrong choice and then were on the receiving end of someone pointing the finger at us. To which a horrible… Read more »

Superkid Academy – September 29

Commander’s Corner: October is just around the corner, so that means we’re introducing a new series in SKA: Hands Up! Psalm 150:6 NIV says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” We are teaching the Superkids all about praise and worship this month. We want the Superkids to learn that worship isn’t just limited… Read more »

Submission to Authority 

Introduction- The Cultural Context for Authority and Submission. Nero was the Roman Emperor from AD 54-68. Nero came into power when his mom murdered his adopted dad Claudius. Five years into his reign, Nero murdered his mother for having too much say in his affairs as Emperor. Nero’s reign was known for tyranny and excess…. Read more »

Good King-Bad King

Pastor George Pearsons- September 2022 Second Corinthians 2:14, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, is a great scripture to use for theupcoming midterm elections: “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph[as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of theknowledge of God everywhere.” Our God… Read more »

LOVE is the mark of true maturity!

WE ARE FORGED IN FAITH!   Men, what a powerful time we had as we continue our Total Immersion in God’s Word series – From the Milk to the Meat – Growing into Spiritual Maturity!  During our September Men’s Breakfast, Josh Gonzalez brought a powerful word when he shared “AS ONE We Love”. His notes… Read more »