14forty Youth Blog – November 3, 2022

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! 14forty Pastors Kathryn Hanley, Holden Hanley, and Ara Veney. Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  UPCOMING EVENTS: Visit emic.org/events for more information on upcoming events. Don’t miss… Read more »

The Fall of Judah

When King Josiah died, his son Jehoahaz became King of Judah. After 3 months, Neco, the King of Egypt, deposed Jehoahaz to a prison in Egypt and placed his brother Eliakim as King. He changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoakim, set him up as his puppet King in Judah, and demanded tribute or he would invade… Read more »

Prayer Everywhere Blog – Midterm Elections

Faithful Pray-ers, we have had powerful times of prayer during our Midterm Election Prayer Call Campaign. As Pastor George has said, we are having “Strong Word. Strong Faith. Strong Prayer over our Nation!” Praise God that He is moving on behalf of our nation through our prayers!  This move of God is causing an Awakening… Read more »

Time for Men to take a STAND!

WE ARE FORGED IN FAITH!   Men, what a powerful time we had during our October Men’s Breakfast with guest speaker, Gene Bailey, as he challenged us to “take a stand!”.  Eph 6:13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having… Read more »

14forty Youth Blog – October 27, 2022

EVERY MINUTE, EVERY DAY, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY! 14forty Pastors Kathryn Hanley, Holden Hanley, and Ara Veney. Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.  PRAYER OVER 14forty: UPCOMING EVENTS: Visit emic.org/events for more information on upcoming… Read more »

Radiant Happenings! October 27th

God has wonderful plans for your life! He doesn’t want you to be stuck in a dead-end life you don’t enjoy. He doesn’t want you to be standing in one place doing nothing and going nowhere.  Yet that is what happens to us, when we don’t take hold of the reality that Christ became sin… Read more »

The Disciple’s Character – Meek

A follower of The King begins his walk by acknowledging he is spiritually bankrupt and is powerless to address his spiritual condition. He repents from his sinful nature, and he leans on God for hope and direction. When someone empties himself before God, Holy Spirit fill him with character traits of Kingdom people. One of… Read more »

Superkid Academy – October 27

Commander’s Corner: This Sunday our Superkids and Jr. Superkids will learn about one of every child’s favorite stories- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! These three friends were told to worship a golden image. When they chose not to, they were put into a furnace of fire. However, because of their fierce boldness to only worship the… Read more »

Bring Your Teenagers to Church This Sunday!

Something powerful happened right after our weekly KCM/EMIC staff chapel. The Lord spoke to Pastor George and directed him to have our teenagers in the main service this coming Sunday morning, Oct. 23! We have high expectation that the Lord has something supernatural to impart through Pastor George to our teenagers, and as we pray… Read more »

The Devil Can’t Steal Your Vote!

It is finally here! The election seemed so far away, and now it’s right around thecorner. Early voting begins this month. Pastor Terri and I fully intend to exercise ourGod-given right to cast our vote in this most crucial midterm election. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the… Read more »