Commander’s Corner:
This Sunday our Superkids and Jr. Superkids will learn about one of every child’s favorite stories- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! These three friends were told to worship a golden image. When they chose not to, they were put into a furnace of fire. However, because of their fierce boldness to only worship the true God, they were saved! Our children may never face a decree that they must bow down and worship a golden idol, but they will face temptations and pressures. Teaching our children to worship during a time of tests and trials will cause them to come out on the victory side, and they won’t even smell like smoke, just like the three Hebrew boys!
Wednesday Nights:
This week we are going to highlight our God & Science elective! The children in this class will do a science experiment learning about the center of gravity. The experiment is done by balancing 11 nails on the head of another nail. This experiment is followed by a lesson on how to live by the Word of God and stay on God’s path by not turning to the right or left.
Birth – Kindergarten will learn what it means to live by faith!