Radiant Happenings! December 7th

"My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.Proverbs 1:10 (AMPC)

Proverbs 1:10-19 talks about resisting big temptations to sin, such as associating with ungodly people who would entice you to steal. Many times the Lord has corrected me about things that seem so small that many would not even think twice about them. But the more time we spend with God, the more sensitive we become to Him and the more successful we become in living a life of freedom.

You see, walking in the wisdom of God is a way of life – a lifestyle we must choose daily. And God doesn't want us to choose His ways only in the big important situations of life. We have to learn to allow God to prick our spirit about the little things we do that are not pleasing to Him. I call it "fine-tuning." If we will learn to hear Him in the little things, it will be easy to hear Him in the big situations of life.

Listen to what the Kesuvim / The Writings (Mishlei/Proverbs) on pg. 7 say about verse ten:

"My child, if sinners [lit., sins] entice you, do not consent. Since man's natural inclination is to evil, he is susceptible to the enticement of sinners. Therefore, Solomon warns his son to resist their blandishments (Ralbag)."

 "The enticers paint the "benefits" of transgression in glowing terms, while ignoring the ugliness of such a lifestyle. Therefore, it is unwise to have conversations with them; they will seek only to involve others in sin. (Vilna Gaon)" 

"In modern times, standards of modesty have deteriorated to such an extent that conduct that was once considered immoral has become the norm and is in fact pervasive. The Evil Inclination's work is easier than ever, so it is imperative that people exercise self-control and be more vigilant than ever to protect their children."

Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups! 

  • Thursday, December 7th is our monthly Radiant Book Club meeting. We meet every 1st Thursday at 12:15 pm in the WordWorks Bookstore. The book selected for our December discussion is The BLESSING by Brother Kenneth Copeland. Register today and discover hidden written treasures you may have never chosen on your own, as well as special perks for being a member – did I mention its free to register!! Registration has its perks!! You must be registered in the Radiant Book Club to get the discounted price of 15% off the books we will be reading!! We have other surprises that come with membership!! YOU DO NEED TO ATTEND to get the most out of your membership!!
    You can register here: Radiant Book Club

  • Saturday, December 9th is our Advancing in Faith group. This group is using Brother Kenneth E. Hagin’s study guide, Bible Faith! We meet every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month in the Living Room modular at 9 am. This group is also available online via Zoom.

  • Saturday, December 10th is The Ruth Circle, a support group for Widows. This group focuses on moving forward in faith, while making meaningful connections. Several times a year guest speakers are invited that offer helpful tips on skills for various areas of life. This group meets every 4th Sunday right after service in the Living Room modular!NOTE: This month's meeting will be a Christmas Celebration and THE 2ND SUNDAY. For more information, contact women@emic.org

  • Monday, December 11th is our weekly Radiant Discipleship group led by Pastor Cathy Grigg. Join us as we study Brother Kenneth E. Hagin's book, How to be Led by the Spirit of God – Legacy Edition! We meet at 12:15 pm in the Hospitality Room. This group is also available via Zoom! 

  • Tuesday, December 12th is our Growing From Glory to Glory group. A time to enjoy the Word of God, good teaching, and light refreshments with other women of EMIC. They meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 12:15 pm & 5:30pm in the Hospitality Room.

  • Thursday, December 14th is our Radiant Christmas Party! Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior with our Special Guest Speaker, Jenny Papapostolou.

    Jenny is a granddaughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and daughter of Kellie Copeland. She is the founder of Love to the Nations, a ministry committed to sharing God’s love to orphans and nations.

    Festivities for the evening will include a time of worship, ministry by our guest speaker, as well as a Christmas gift for each attendee!

    Children's ministry is provided for ages birth to 5th Grade. 

Registration is free but required. Register today here: Radiant Christmas Party

For information on any of our groups, email women@emic.org. Also, if you are ever in need of prayer, please call our prayer line at 877-281-6297. Or, if you need pastoral counseling, call the church office at 817-252-2900 to schedule a time to meet with me.

You are LOVED!

Pastor Cathy