Happy June Ladies!!
Events happening all around us, and even possibly to us, can either bring moments of happiness, or moments of sadness, anger or concern. But no matter what is happening, set your eyes on Father and let this scripture minister to you this week! “What harm could a man bring to me? With God on my side, I will not be afraid of what comes. The roaring praises of God fill my heart as I trust his promises.” Psalm 56:4 (TPT)
I know of an exciting event happening this month! Radiant! So make sure you mark your calendar to attend our June Summer Social on June 9th at 7pm in the chapel! Dress in your fun summer attire (please keep it modest), and come enjoy a word of encouragement, as well as an evening of fun, food, and fellowship! BE sure to invite a friend along!! Registration is required, but there is no cost for the event!! AND childcare is provided for ages birth to 5th grade!!
Now, let’s take a look at what is happening this week into next with other Radiant groups!
- Sunday, June 5th is our Marriage Re-Envisioned group for single women. Come join us as we learn the essentials of preparing for marriage. Whether you are single, divorced or widowed we have a place for you! We meet every 1st & 3rd Sunday right after service in the Living Room modular. You may bring lunch with you.
- Monday, June 6th we have our weekly Radiant Discipleship group led by Pastor Cathy Grigg. We are currently going through Sister Gloria Copeland’s book on the Fruit of the Spirit, and meet at 12:15pm in the Living Room modular.
- Thursday, June 9th is our Radiant Summer Social! 7pm in the Chapel.
To learn more about any of the groups mentioned or to find other ways to connect, email women@emic.org
Pastor Cathy