Guest Speaker: Heidi Baker

Sunday Outline – February 5, 2023

Heidi Baker, Missionary with her husband Rolland have Iris Global Ministry.

From the moment Heidi stepped on the platform, it was very evident her heart is to proclaim Jesus with His passion, love and reverence.  She clearly proclaims, first that Jesus is our salvation, our prize, our reward, our inheritance, our destination, our motivation, our joy, wisdom, and sanctification — and absolutely everything else we need, now and forever.

Heidi began by reminding us that we should lay hands on ourselves, and speak God’s word over our life, commanding our body and mind to walk in line with God’s divine plan and purpose for each of us.

She had assistance as she exchanged her small boots with a man who was wearing a large pair of shoes.  As he attempted to walk in her boots, and her feet rattled around in his large shoes, she said you need to wear the ‘spiritual shoes’ God has called you to, and not try and wear someone else’s calling on your life.

She did an analogy between Christians that act like a chicken vs. Christians that sore like an eagle.

Chicken – a time comes when the chicken is ready to be killed.  For many, their head is removed and then if let go, that ‘headless chicken’ will run around.  She compared this to many Christians, who are running around, doing their own works, without the head of Jesus being over them. Or better said, without submitting and obeying the voice of our head, our master, our Lord, and savior.


Side thought – if you are a hunter or have dressed poultry, you will know that any animal that is left to run or frantically moving while dying builds up lactic acid causing the meat to become tougher.  Are you fighting to do your own agenda, allowing toughness (pride) to be in your life, or have you submitted and died, allowing the Lord’s plan to rule and govern your life (Galatians 2:20-21)?


Eagle – You soar above life’s situations.  You see a snake, and swoop down, grab the snake, and soar high enough where the snake is suffocated.  The eagle is not waiting for the snake to be on them, but goes after the snake for victory.


We don’t wait until the enemy attacks, but we move forward in faith and victory, triumphing in Jesus’ name.


The eagle doesn’t eat dead food or ‘crumbs’ (leftovers).  As a believer, the Lord has prepared fresh manna for us, each day.


John 14:1, 13-16; (BBE)

“Let not your heart be troubled: have faith in God and have faith in Me.”

Troubled here means confused, worried.


 13 “And whatever request you make in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may have glory in the Son. 

14 If you make any request to Me in my name, I will do it.

15 If you have love for Me, you will keep my laws. 

16 And I will make prayer to the Father and He will give you another Helper to be with you for ever,”

Heidi shared of the faithfulness of God, and how He remembers prayers which may have been prayed years before. She began the story talking about being asked to minister in Red Deer, Alberta Canada.


The background to the story is soon after she turned 12, she asked her mother for a black horse.  She was told, “No.” So, she asked God for a black horse.


Thirty+ years later, Heidi shared how she was in a church in Red Deer. During the service before she was called to speak, she was asked to go outside, and told an Indian wanted to speak with her. She went outside, and the man told her God spoke to him, so he travelled three days to bring her a gift – a black horse. You really need to listen to this message to hear the full impact, faithfulness and heart of God shinning forth.

Heidi’s black horse now lives in Minnesota and is used to minister to disabled individuals and to missionaries, who need to see the reality of God’s promises and have hope restored.

God is saying;

“Do you love me? Do you trust what I am doing in your life?

It is Abba’s love, the radical love of the Father.

To listen to the full message, please click here.


From point 3:15 – 3:29 on the video, you will hear Brother Copeland, a Prophet speak over Heidi Baker, an apostle of the Lord.   This is a word about faithfulness, the love of the father and the fruition of God’s word becoming reality.

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