"For your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God!” Psalm 63:3 (TPT)
In Psalm 63, verse 3 King David says that God's tender mercies mean more to him than life itself. Seems ironic doesn't it? Without life we wouldn't have a reason to need God's tender mercies! So, what is King David saying here?
He's actually talking about the Hebrew word "hesed" in that verse! If you've spent any time listening to Brother Copeland you have heard him use the example of a momma elephant charging after anything that looks like it might harm her baby – that is hesed! King David is saying that covenant protection (tender mercies) of God is more important than life itself! Why? Because without God's tender mercies, life would not be worth living.
This revelation then brings forth the exuberant heart cry of love and praise by King Davide to this merciful, kind, loving, covenant faithful "hesed" God!
Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups!
- Sunday, September 3rd is our Marriage Re-Envisioned group for single women. Come join us as we learn the essentials of preparing for marriage. Whether you are single, divorced, or widowed we have a place for you! We meet every 1st & 3rd Sunday right after service in SLC Classroom B. You may bring lunch with you.
- Sunday, September 3rd is when Bridge Moms meet to cook the meal for our Bridge Young Adults group. We cook every 1st & 3rd Sunday. 2:30pm-6:30pm – Prep to clean up. This group requires a food handlers license (license fee reimbursed upon completion), so if you are interested in joining, please reach out directly to Pastor Cathy: cgrigg@emic.org
- Wednesday, September 6th is our Radiant Bible Study. Enjoy the Word of God, and good teaching with other women of EMIC. We meet every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Hospitality Room at 10:30 am.
- Thursday, September 7th is our monthly Radiant Book Club meeting. We meet every 1st Thursday at 12:15 pm in the WordWorks Bookstore. The book selected for our September discussion is Engendered, by Patsy Cameneti. Register today and discover hidden written treasures you may have never chosen on your own, as well as special perks for being a member – did I mention its free to register!! Registration has its perks!! You must be registered (registration is free!) in the Radiant Book Club to get the discounted price of 15% off the books we will be reading!! We have other surprises that come with membership!! YOU DO NEED TO ATTEND to get the most out of your membership!!
You can register here: Radiant Book Club