Have you ever seen one of those commercials for a candy bar where the focus is on the pleasure you will get when you take that first bite? The actor or actress usually have such an expression of ecstasy or pleasure on their face that it hooks you! So, perhaps you buy that candy bar and give it a try. And while the first bite may give you that burst of pleasure, as soon as you finish that candy bar, the pleasure is all gone, leaving you with a sense of disappointment (maybe even sadness) or perhaps a longing for when you will be able to have another one again. This is how the enemy will hook people who get addicted to different things – they eventually give in to the physical longing and desire to have that continual pleasure.
What if I told you, you could find a source of true continual pleasure without the addiction? I have good news for you – you can!! Look at the next verse in our study of Psalm 63 – verse 5:
"I overflow with praise when I come before you, for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else. You are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul.” Psalm 63:5 (TPT)
Remember, the soul is our mind, will, and emotions. King David is saying that GOD and the anointing His presence brings, gives him pleasure that does not end! Much like the river of living water that Jesus spoke of! So, to begin partaking of this never ending pleasure – begin worshipping God every moment you can, study His Word day and night, and pray like the Apostle Paul – unceasingly. As you stay in His Presence, you will have what scripture promises: joy (pleasure) unending!!
Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups!
- Thursday, September 14th is our Radiant meeting! Join us as we continue In The Garden with our monthly meeting at 7pm in the Chapel. Doors will open at 6:30pm with refreshments. Bring a friend as we enjoy a time of worship, the Word, and ministry. Free childcare provided for ages birth – 5th grade. Registration is required but free! Register today at Radiant!!
- Friday, September 15th is the 2nd meeting of our newest group Life In The Middle! This group is specifically for women ages 30-45 and will meet every 1st & 3rd Friday at 7pm in SLC Classroom B. Join us as we discuss life topics and make meaningful connections.
- Saturday, September 16th is our Deep group meeting. If you are looking to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord, to experience greater growth with God; along with a stronger unity and love with our fellow sisters in the Lord, then join us every 3rd week on Saturday at 8 am in the Living Room modular. There will be a potluck brunch – bring something to share if you are able, but it is not required – all are welcome!
- Monday, September 18th is our weekly Radiant Discipleship group led by Pastor Cathy Grigg. Join us as we study Brother Kenneth E. Hagin's book, How to be Led by the Spirit of God – Legacy Edition! We meet at 12:15 pm in the Hospitality Room. This group is also available via Zoom! Radiant Discipleship Registration
- Thursday, September 21st is our monthly Women’s Business Group meeting. This months topic: How to start a business (part 2). They meet every 3rd Thursday at 7 pm in the Living Room modular. NOTE: This month's meeting will be via a private Zoom link ONLY.