What a beautiful Resurrection Sunday service we enjoyed! From great music, to the most adorable Jr. Superkid parade, to two great words – one from Brother Copeland and one from Pastor George! If you were not able to attend or watch the service, do so today!
Now for this week's verse in Proverbs 2:
"For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 (AMPC)
You will never find anything coming from God's mouth except truth. Wisdom is truth and Jesus said that knowing the truth is what makes you free (John 8:32). God has given us His wisdom in the written Word through Moses, through David, through Paul – through all the men who wrote the books of the Old and New Covenants. That divine wisdom is written down now in one Book, the Bible, so anytime we want to we can receive the wisdom and knowledge we need for every situation.
We don't have to go through the experiences Moses went through to learn the lessons he learned. We can find out from the Word what God taught him. Just think about what God has done for us! We have God's wisdom available to us in the written Word. We also have the Holy Spirit living inside us to teach and reveal this wisdom to us.
Listen to what the Kesuvim / The Writings (Mishlei/Proverbs) on pg. 17 say about verse six:
Vs. 6 "For HASHEM grants wisdom; from His mouth [come] knowledge and understanding. The very fact that chochmah is God-given indicates its great value – a compelling reason why you should seek to acquire it (Rashi). Even after intellectual struggle, a person may arrive at faulty conclusions. But if he is meritorious, he will receive true knowledge and understanding from [Hashem's] mouth."
Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups!
- Thursday, April 4th is our monthly Radiant Book Club meeting. We meet every 1st Thursday at 12:15 pm in the WordWorks Bookstore. The book selected for our April discussion is The Wake-Up Call by Brother Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts & Richard Roberts. Register today and discover hidden written treasures you may have never chosen on your own, as well as special perks for being a member – did I mention it’s free to register! Registration has its perks! You must be registered in the Radiant Book Club to get the discounted price of 15% off the books we will be reading! We have other surprises that come with membership! YOU DO NEED TO ATTEND to get the most out of your membership!
You can register here: Radiant Book Club - Friday, April 5th is the meeting for Life In The Middle! This group is specifically for women ages 30-49 and meets every 1st Friday at 7pm at various locations.
- Sunday, April 7th is when Bridge Moms meet to cook the meal for our Bridge Young Adults group. We cook every 1st & 3rd Sunday. 2:30pm-6:30pm / Prep to clean up. This group requires a food handlers license (license fee reimbursed upon completion). If you are interested in joining, please reach out directly to Pastor Cathy: cgrigg@emic.org
- Tuesday, April 9th is our Growing From Glory to Glory group. A time to enjoy the Word of God, good teaching, and light refreshments with other women of EMIC. They meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 12:15 pm & 5:30pm in the Hospitality Room.
- Thursday, April 11th is our monthly Radiant meeting. Join us at 7pm for another night in the Father’s presence! We will continue to unpack our authority as a believer, and how we use the prayer armor God has given us – the armor of God! Doors open at 6:30 with food and fellowship. Children’s ministry is provided for birth-5th grade. Bring a friend and register today!
You can register here: Radiant - Saturday, April 13th is our Radiant Day Out. Join us on Saturday, April 13th for our next Radiant Day Out as we take an exclusive guided tour of the American Journey Experience Museum, located in Irving, Texas.
The American Journey Experience is a state-of the-art museum and research library focused on American history from Christopher Columbus to the Space Race and is a collaboration between Wallbuilders and Glenn Beck. You won’t want to miss this time of inspiration, learning and fellowship.
Transportation will be available. The last day to register is Wednesday, April 10th.
Register here: Radiant Day Out
For information on any of our groups, email women@emic.org. Also, if you are ever in need of prayer, please call our prayer line at 877-281-6297. Or, if you need pastoral counseling, call the church office at 817-252-2900 to schedule a time to meet with me.
You are LOVED!
Pastor Cathy