Commander’s Corner:
Have you ever heard the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, not only is fruit healthy for our physical lives, but it’s healthy for our spiritual lives, too! Our Superkids will learn about the fruit of the Spirit this month through our series called “Sweet Fruits.” Each week, we’ll teach about the fruit of the Spirit, along with a Bible story to demonstrate. This Sunday, we are leaning about love and joy. Jesus said LOVE is the greatest commandment, so it should be at the top of our spiritual grocery list! Love and joy are powerful forces. No love means no faith, because faith works by love. No joy means no strength, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. This week when your family is driving in the car or eating dinner together, talk about ways your Superkid can show love to others when they are at school, sporting events, or at church.

Wednesday Nights:
This week, we are highlighting our Basic Training class! Our 1st and 2nd graders will learn the EMIC core value, “we protect the anointing.” They will learn when Nehemiah built the wall. Half of the men protected the anointing that was on others by standing guard, and the other half built the wall with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. Our Superkids will learn how to protect the anointing by doing what God says, and staying ready with the Word!
Birth – Kindergarten will learn how the Holy Spirit makes them strong!
Jason Manning
We are so thankful to have Jason Manning with us in Superkid Academy! He is a dedicated husband, father, and volunteer who has a heart for ministering the Word of God and having fun with the kids! He always comes with a smile and an encouraging word for the crew, the children, and their families. Our Superkids love him, and we truly enjoy having him on our team. Thank you, Jason for all that you bring to Superkid Academy, you are a true blessing!
Couple’s Fellowship:
Join us for a couple’s fellowship on Friday, November 4th at 7pm. Childcare is provided for birth-5th grade. Register online at