Commander’s Corner:
This month, in Superkid Academy, we are focusing on the EMIC Core Value: We Honor God. I’m excited that as a church body we are participating in a corporate fast that Pastor George has proclaimed from February 5th – 25th. During the month of February, we will teach the children biblical examples of what happens when we fast! Below are the weekly topics and Bible stories that we are teaching so you can discuss them at home with your Superkid. Make sure to encourage your Superkid to be part of this fast. Take more time together as a family to fill up with the Word of God instead of other things!
Weekly Topics:
• Feb. 4th – Fasting Changes Me: Jesus’s Teaching on Prayer & Fasting (Matthew 6)
• Feb. 11th – Fasting Gives Us Favor: Daniel and His Friends Fast (Daniel 1)
• Feb. 18th- Fasting Give Us Victory: Jehoshaphat & Israel Fast (2 Chronicles 20)
• Feb. 25th – Fasting Prepares Us to do Big Things: Queen Esther’s Fast (Esther 4 & 5)
Memory Verse:
“Blow the ram’s horn in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting. Gather all the people-the elders, the children, and even the babies…” Joel 2:15-16 NLT
What Can a Superkid Fast?
During the past month in Superkids, I prepared the children for the upcoming fast like Pastor George did with the adult congregation. I gave them ideas and talked with them about different items they can fast. Pray with your Superkid about what they should set aside during this time.
Here are some of the ideas we discussed in SKA:
• Fast sweets: Ice Cream, Donuts, etc.
• Fast your favorite foods: This can be just one or two days during the week – Example pizza, chips, etc.
• Set aside pleasurable things: Video games, movies, etc.
Vision Board Home Project:
We are encouraging Superkids to create a vision board at home during this time of fasting! I believe that the Lord is going to answer their prayers, and we will see miraculous things take place in their lives. On Sunday, March 3rd, we will have a testimony time in 1st-5th grade.
Fun ideas to help your Superkid create their vision board:
• Have your Superkid cut out pictures from magazines or print pictures online. Let them design it using markers, colored pencils, and crayons to make it colorful.
• Write out what you and your family are believing for this year. Remember this is the year of more and more and more and more!
• Encourage your Superkid to write out scriptures that they are standing on and put it on the board.
• Write out what Pastor George and the church are believing for:
1. An Awakening to God in the Body of Christ
2. An Awakening to God in Israel
3. An Awakening to God in America and the Nations
4. The 2024 Elections
5. Breakthroughs for KCM, EMIC, KCBC, and the Victory Channel
6. Personal Breakthroughs
7. Preparing for All that is Coming
Volunteer of the Month:
Sherma Hubner
We are so thankful for Joshua Evans! He is willing to do whatever is asked and does it with a great heart. He is faithful, responsible, and very respectful. Joshua is a great team player, and we are grateful that he is on our team! Thank you, Joshua!
Volunteer Training:
On Sunday, February 25th, we will have our annual spring volunteer training for ALL volunteers who serve in birth – 5th grade. This training will take place directly after church in SKA Studios, and we will provide lunch. Children’s ministry will be provided.