Radiant Happenings! May 25th

Have you ever stopped – I mean really STOPPED – and taken time to focus on how much you mean to God? We all know that we mean enough to Him that He sent Jesus, His one and only son, to die on the cross in our place. AND THAT IS HUGE! BUT… do you think perhaps we have watered it down to where we no longer give that fact the true value it deserves? 

Look at what this scripture has to say:

"Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.” Psalms 139:17-18 (TPT)

Doesn't that make you say WOW! It not, it should!! GOD – THE CREATER OF ALL THAT IS – THINKS of you EVERY SINGLE MOMENT!! The scripture goes on to say that He "cherish"es us CONSTANTLY in HIS EVERY THOUGHT!! Not only is God thinking of us every single moment, but He is thinking CHERISHING thoughts about you!! 

NOW – take time to STOP and meditate on THAT – especially if you have been (or are) being attacked by the enemy.

Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups! 

  • Thursday, May 25th is our monthly Abiding Wives group. This is a group for married women to fellowship and connect with each other as we gather to pray for our husbands. We meet every 4th Thursday of the month at a private home, beginning at 7 pm. You will need to email women@emic.org to get the address.
  • Saturday, May 27th is our Advancing in Faith group. This group is using Brother Kenneth E. Hagin’s study guide, Bible Faith! We meet every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month in the Living Room modular at 9 am. This group is also available online via Zoom. There is a $10 course fee that includes the Bible Faith Study Guide we will be using. To register for this group please go here (NOTE: scroll to the bottom of the list to find this group): Registration
  • Sunday, May 28th is The Ruth Circle, a support group for Widows. This month we will have guest speakers presenting on basic car & tire maintenance. This group meets every 4th Sunday right after service in the Living Room modular – LUNCH IS PROVIDED with RSVP to cgrigg@emic.org! 

  • Tuesday, May 30th is our Growing From Glory to Glory group. A time to enjoy the Word of God, good teaching, and light refreshments with other women of EMIC. They meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. NEW TIME AND LOCATION – 1:pm off campus. Email women@emic.org for the location.
For more information on any of our groups, email women@emic.org. Also, if you are ever in need of prayer, please call our prayer line at 877-281-6297. Or, if you need pastoral counseling, call the church office at 817-252-2900 to schedule a time to meet with me.

You are LOVED!
Pastor Cathy