Radiant Happenings! March 14th

Did you hear Brother Copeland at EMIC this past Sunday? If you missed that service, stop right now and go back and watch it: EMIC Sunday Service In that service, Brother Copeland spoke about his time with Brother Oral Roberts; Pastor George shared a video of a healing that took place during one of Brother Roberts tent meetings; and so much more!! We are on the cusp of a GREAT CHANGE taking place – it's time to prepare!!

Now for this week's verse in Proverbs 2:

"Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding," Proverbs 2:3 (AMPC)

A person who makes that type of decision cannot be defeated. Nothing can keep him from success. No devil in hell can keep him bound because commitment to God's way brings success. On the other hand, every single choice that goes against God's laws will only produce sin and death. The Scripture says that the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). So if you want to walk in God's kind of life, you have to walk in His ways.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:5-6). If you choose to walk the world's way, you're going to have a hard walk. And in the end, you will come out defeated and worse off than you were before.

Listen to what the Kesuvim / The Writings (Mishlei/Proverbs) on pg. 15 say about verse three:

Vs. 3 "[For] only if you call out to understanding [and] give forth your voice to discernment. Targum renders the word 'im Midrashically as 'im, a mother: "If you call understanding your mother." Torah is the "mother" of those who study it, for just as a mother provides her children with the best, so those who follow the Torah are rewarded with the best of everything (Bamidbar Rabbah 10:9; see Eitz Yosef)

After attaining wisdom and understanding, give forth one's voice to teach it to others (Radak), for a Jew should feel a responsibility not only to know Torah, but to spread its knowledge to others. "

Now, here’s a look at what is happening this week into next with our Radiant groups!

  • Thursday, March 14th is our monthly Radiant meeting. Join us at 7pm in the Chapel as we continue unpacking to word brought to us by Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons at our January Radiant meeting. Learn how we can become consecrated and set apart for every good work, as well as prepare ourselves and our families for the hour we now live in. Doors open at 6:30pm with food and fellowship. Children’s ministry is provided for ages birth- 5th grade. Bring a friend and register today! Registration is free!

    You can register here: Radiant

  • Saturday, March 16th is our Deep group meeting. If you are looking to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord, to experience greater growth with God, then join us every 3rd week on Saturday at 8 am in the Living Room modular.

  • Saturday, March 16th we have our #MomLife 2nd Annual Resurrection Egg Hunt – This time we will be meeting at Rhome Family Park – 10am-1pm! Come for fellowship, food, and an egg hunt! This will be a potluck event, so please bring a dish to share. If you can’t, that’s okay, still come! For details email women@emic.org

  • Sunday, March 17th is when Bridge Moms meet to cook the meal for our Bridge Young Adults group. We cook every 1st & 3rd Sunday. 2:30pm-6:30pm – Prep to clean up. This group requires a food handlers license (license fee reimbursed upon completion), so if you are interested in joining, please reach out directly to Pastor Cathy: cgrigg@emic.org

  • Monday, March 18th we have our Table Talk (65 and Beyond) group. This group is for women (65 years of age and beyond). We have fellowship around the Word of God and with each other. They meet at 11:30 pm at Cattlemen's Reserve within Partner Services Center every 3rd Monday. 

  • Monday, March 18th is our weekly Radiant Discipleship group led by Pastor Cathy Grigg. Join us as we begin a NEW study of Dr. Bill Winston's book, Living In The Fourth Dimension! We meet at 12:15 pm in the Hospitality Room. This group is also available via Zoom! Click here to register!

  • Wednesday, March 20th is our Radiant Bible Study. Enjoy the Word of God and good teaching with other women of EMIC. We meet every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Hospitality Room at 10:30 am.
  • Thursday, March 21st is our monthly Women's Business Group meeting at 7pm in the Living Room modular. This month we will be reviewing Terri Savelle Foy's new book, The Alone Advantage. Come be a part of the discussion as we dive into her book on "10 behind the scenes habits that drive crazy success."

For information on any of our groups, email women@emic.org. Also, if you are ever in need of prayer, please call our prayer line at 877-281-6297. Or, if you need pastoral counseling, call the church office at 817-252-2900 to schedule a time to meet with me.

You are LOVED!

Pastor Cathy