Men, we are living in the end times.
On March 20, 2022, Pastor George shared a powerful message (What in the Word is Going On?) from Joel chapter 3 and Matthew chapter 24 whereby, he listed current events in Israel and the world that line up with events prophesied in God’s Word.
On November 6, 2022, Pastor Terri, when teaching on: Our Place in the End Times from a position of our Core Values, she shared from Matthew 24, teaching us that the beginning of sorrows are the labor pangs that were always happening but now accelerating and intensifying.
We see signs such as unprecedented wickedness, earthquakes and deceptions in our world today.
But here is the good news!
Rom 5:20 Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
There is a spiritual law in place here: whenever sin abounds, there is an outpouring of grace that abounds exponentially more. God is pouring out His grace now more than any time in history!
Another truth that brings peace is that Jesus has given us foreknowledge of wickedness and awareness of end time signs in advance for our preparation – that we are not caught unaware.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
This peace is ours as a weapon and a shield as we put on the Armor of God.
Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
With the foreknowledge given to us by the Word, we have become prepared to have peace when we see or experience the intensifying of tribulation in the world. This is the good news (gospel) of peace.
Our peace comes from knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and, as we are in Him, we have also overcome the world. When we then shod our feet with this preparation of peace we can stand firm-footed in faith, advancing forward toward certain victory and never backing down no matter what storms try to come against us!
That is why, often, the sandals worn by roman soldiers were equipped with studs on their soles so that they can stand firm-footed and advancing against pressure and unstable foundations.
Men, that is why we must be in the Word.
There are no surprises we can encounter in the world when we have the Word in us.
Faith, resident in His Word, allows us to live free and victorious lives in the face of any adversity and wickedness we may encounter.
John 8:31-32 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Please see our February 18th Men’s Breakfast teaching video and notes below.
Men, unified faith is the incubator for revival!
Let’s continue to join our faith in prayer for the Key Prayer Points below that will continue throughout the month.
- That the men of EMIC and the church at large make God’s Word final authority in 2023
- That we continue to fan the flames of revival as we contend for the glory of God
- Government leaders voted into office to lead according to Exodus 18:21
- Complete healing for our church family members that are overcoming.
- Greater health, prosperity and an increased anointing for our pastors and leaders in 2023
- Abortion to be abolished at every state level
There are active opportunities to be involved in affecting each one of these areas here at EMIC, our community, schools and patriotic involvement and through effective faith-filled prayers.
To find out how you can be more involved contact Pastor Al Velez at or call 817-252-2964
That is why our Men’s Ministry is designed to equip you with biblical weapons of warfare and disciple you and one another in the Word and in meaningful relationships so that we join our faith for victory!
Come and be a part of our Men’s Movement!
Don’t miss our next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, April 15th at 8:00AM at the Headquarters Dining Room.
For our Ministry Table Leaders: We will be meeting on Thursday March 13th at 7:00PM. Bring your supply and come expecting!
Can’t wait to see you all!
Until then stay strong and courageous!
Love and blessings! Pastor Al
February Men's Breakfast Teaching Notes:
Men's Feb 18th 2023 Teaching Video: