The glorious outpouring of the Spirit is in full swing. We are witnessing the greatest awakening history has ever known. The glory of God is being revealed everywhere. Signs, wonders and miracles from heaven are the order of the day. This is such an exciting time to be alive!
Thank you so much for the part that you play at Eagle Mountain International Church. Your supply is vital to the move of God that is taking place here. Pastor Terri and I are so grateful for you and pray that you are BLESSED exceeding abundantly above all you could ever ask or think. We speak THE BLESSING over your home and family and believe you are BLESSED coming in and BLESSED going out according to Deuteronomy 28:6. And, we pray the powerful scripture over you we are experiencing at EMIC right now: “The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children” (Psalm 115:14). Believe it, and receive it!
I am so excited about our “Miracles on the Mountain” meeting coming up in June! Billy Burke will be our special guest for the evening sessions. Pastor Terri and I will be teaching about how to receive your healing during the morning sessions. We are expecting to see people completely delivered from every kind of sickness, disease and infirmity. Be sure to mark this on your calendar. And bring someone who needs a miracle. We have seen God move in such amazing ways every time Billy Burke ministers at EMIC. He proficiently operates in the working of miracles in such a unique way.
Through the years, we have witnessed so many glorious manifestations of God’s power to heal. This time, we are expecting to go to an even higher level.
What exactly is a miracle? Let’s allow God’s WORD to define it. Psalm 77:13-15 in the New International Version says, “Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.”
Now look at Exodus 34:10 (New Living Translation). God declares, “I am making a covenant with you in the presence of all your people. I will perform miracles that have never been performed anywhere in all the earth or in any nation. And all the people around you will see the power of The LORD—the awesome power I will display for you.”
A miracle, then, is the awesome power of God on display.
In Mark 16:15-18, Jesus gave His disciples their final instructions before He was taken up into heaven. He told them that they would lay hands on the sick in His Name and they would recover. Verse 20 says, “And they went forth, and preached every where, The LORD working with them, and confirming The WORD with signs following.” The word signs is the Greek word for “miracles,” defined as “an unusual occurrence transcending the common course of nature.” Another source describes it as “a remarkable event.”
Begin praying right now over this upcoming miracle meeting, believing God for demonstrations of His power we have never seen before. We are expecting to see people get up out of wheelchairs, tumors to disappear, blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear and every sickness and disease under the curse to bow its knee to the Name which is above every name!
You don’t have to wait for a special meeting to receive your miracle. You can walk in your own “remarkable event” right where you are. You can experience your very own “awesome power of God” on display right now. And even more than that, you can be fulfilling the Great Commission. The laying on of hands and working of miracles are not just limited to a few preachers. As Jesus said, these demonstrations are to work through us! And remember the 2017 word The LORD gave through Brother Copeland: “Notable miracles will take place at the hands of not only ministers in the fivefold ministry, but also among the people. Believers will lay hands on the sick, and notable miracles will be done.”
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, thank You that miracle days are here again. We are fully expecting mighty testimonies to come from the meeting with Billy Burke, as well as our own remarkable events. And, LORD, help us to be instruments of Your power at our jobs, in stores, at school—wherever we go. Let Your miracles flow! We receive Your divine power to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Thank You, LORD, for the magnitude and momentum of the mighty outpouring of Your Spirit that is escalating every day!”
Walking in the miraculous,
Pastor George