June 14th is known as Flag Day in the United States. When we look at our flag, we should be reminded of the freedoms we have as citizens of this country – freedom to worship God, freedom to assemble, freedom of speech, freedom to vote…
The most common knowledge about the U.S. flag is that the stars represent the 50 states of our country, and the 13 stripes represent the original colonies that founded it. But over the years, there have been different interpretations of what the colors mean. Words to describe the red stripes have been hardiness, valor, courage, and sacrifice. The white stripes are meant to represent purity, innocence, and high ideals. The blue is said to symbolize vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Each one of these words should remind us of the sacrifice and determination it took for this country to remain free.
One interpretation that caught my attention was that the red stripes symbolize the blood of the patriots who fought to protect this country and our rights. Veterans have always held a special place in my heart. I’ve had multiple family members in the service, including my own father, and it humbles me to think of the sacrifices they were willing to make for my future. These men and women chose to enlist, endure, and engage in situations most of us will never see or be involved in.
So, what can we do for them? Scripture tells us in
John 15:13 (AMP), “No one has greater love (nor stronger commitment) than to lay down his own life for his friends.” Veterans have shown how much they love this country that we know is “one nation, under God.” Some gave the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives. But so many others came home with physical disabilities, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and have struggled to keep their homes and their families.
Romans 12:9-13 (NIV) speaks to us about Love in Action – specifically to honor others above ourselves, share with those who are in need, and practice hospitality. This is how we should be serving our Veterans and EMIC Outreach has a way for you to get involved!
We are partnered with Veterans United for Christ (VUFC) to help reach out to the homeless Veteran community. This team of volunteers goes out in the Fort Worth area to minister and show honor to the Veterans in need of some extra help. Along with prayer and sharing the Word, VUFC supplies essentials such as toiletries, blankets, hats, and gloves. And in the background, they are diligently working to help get these Veterans off the street and connected with resources that help provide housing along with faith-based counseling and rehabilitation.
Our Homeless Veterans Group has seen God work! So far in 2022, there have been multiple miracles/healings, and we have seen 65 Veterans be taken off the street and placed into new housing. Glory to God!
This group meets twice a month on Saturdays for training and street ministry. For more information, click here.
Help serve those that have sacrificed for our freedom.