Great Grace Is Upon Us All!

This year has been declared as the “Year of Fabulous Outpourings From Heaven.” With every day that passes, heaven’s effect on earth is getting stronger and stronger. Take a moment, look up, stretch out your arms and say, “Father, I receive Your fabulous outpourings from heaven today!”

I thank God for your faithful support of our church. Send out your harvesting angels to gather up your crops. We declare that every bill is paid in full. Every need is fully supplied. Every debt is completely wiped out. The LORD is increasing you more and more, you and your children!

Personally, I have been experiencing a level of increase like never before.

My life has been quite full since Pastor Terri and I received the additional responsibility as the CEOs over Kenneth Copeland Ministries. But instead of feeling overloaded, we are energized.

There is a new grace to accomplish more than ever before.

The LORD spoke a powerful word to me in January. He said, The ministry and church will get more done in one year than in the last 20 years. He told me that we would do things quickly with less effort. It reminded me of a prophetic word delivered to EMIC by Pastor Mark Brazee in 1998: “We have been on an escalator. Now, we are stepping into an elevator. Things are going to start accelerating and will move faster and faster. What used to take months and years will suddenly take minutes and hours.”

How is this possible?

Acts 4:33 says, “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the LORD Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.”

Great grace causes us to accomplish quickly what we don’t have the human ability to do. It is receiving full assistance and help from the Holy Spirit, infusing us with God’s ability to get the job done. This level of grace is available to each of us individually and corporately.

The vision of KCM and EMIC has multiplied. Instead of one major project, we now have multiple projects. However, along with these projects has come an expanded capacity to handle them. Answers are coming faster and faster. Direction is right there when we need it. Wisdom is pouring from heaven.

Something very special took place during our Father’s Day service a few weeks ago. I had prepared a wonderful message. I was sitting in my chair on the platform when Pastor John Jester came to deliver the offering message. He asked the congregation a question: “How many of you have double vision?”

There was great silence throughout the sanctuary. No one wanted to confess to double vision. We were all wondering, What’s the catch? This has to be a trick question.

Before he had the opportunity to explain the answer, I knew exactly what he was saying. He was talking about capacity—the ability to see what God sees and to do what God does.

When I stepped forward to pray over the offering, The LORD overwhelmed me. I got caught up in the Spirit and began talking about the vision God had given us and the capacity to fulfill it. I shared how we are in a time of acceleration, and The LORD is helping us to complete every assignment. I spoke about the great grace working in my life.

Then, The LORD came upon me to lay hands on every person in the congregation. It was an impartation for us to receive God’s great grace to fulfill the vision.

If you weren’t there (and even if you were), let me pray this over you right now:

Father, in the Name of Jesus, we realize that we are in a time of
accelerated vision. You have much for us to accomplish. But along
with the assignments, You provide the grace to get them done!

I declare this over you right now: Great grace is upon you to fulfill your
vision. A new anointing is upon you to do what you don’t have the natural
ability to do. The Greater One is living in you. You will accomplish more in
this one year than you have in the last 20 years.

Now, declare this out loud: “GREAT GRACE IS UPON US ALL!”

Thanking God for His Grace,

Pastor George

P.S. The Southwest Believers’ Convention is almost here: July 31-Aug. 5.
We are celebrating 50 years in ministry—our Jubilee Year! It will be a convention like none other. For more information, go to