"The men of EMIC must be on guard and in a state of spiritual readiness by putting on the Armor of God.”
Ps. George Pearsons
Men, a proclaimed fast is when believers come together in unity (AS ONE!) for the purpose of turning around serious situations.
During our January Men’s Breakfast, Pastor George, delivered a powerful mandate to the men of EMIC as we gathered in a solemn assembly to prepare for the proclaimed fast.
Joel 2:15-16 Blow the trumpet in Zion; consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly;
gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her chamber.
Ps. George shared 3 examples of serious situations that were turned around because of a fast:
- Jonah 3: A city averted destruction because of a proclaimed fast.
- Chronicles 20: A battle was won because of a proclaimed fast.
- Esther 4-8: The Jewish race was saved because of a proclaimed fast.
The 21 days of our proclaimed fast, from February 5 to February 25, should be a time of expectation and acceleration to hear from God in greater ways, especially for the 7 areas we are believing for as a corporate body:
- An awakening to God in the Body of Christ.
- An awakening in Israel.
- An awakening to God in America and the nations.
- The 2024 Elections.
- Breakthroughs for KCM, EMIC, KCBC, and the Victory Channel.
- Personal Breakthroughs.
- Prepare for All that is Coming.
Pastor George taught us that fasting, and prayer help us to become more sensitive to God’s early warning system and will reveal to us how to prepare for the future.
Here are just some examples of biblical early warnings given to those who were close to God:
Hebrews 11:7 7 [Prompted] by faith Noah, being forewarned by God concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign, took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family. By this [his faith which relied on God] he passed judgment and sentence on the world’s unbelief and became an heir and possessor of righteousness ([a]that relation of being right into which God puts the person who has faith).
2 Kings 6:9-10 But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, “Do not go near that place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilize their troops there.” 10 So the king of Israel would send word to the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he would be on the alert there.
John 16:12-13 “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
Pastor George declared our version of the military’s DEFCON 1 (Defense Readiness Condition) alert to GODCON 1 (God Readiness Condition)! As part of the fast we will prepare for all that is coming. How?
By putting on the whole armor of God according to Ephesians 6:10-20.
MEN, we have our orders!!
Please see Pastor George’s video message from our January Men’s Breakfast below.
Men, we have mentoring groups and mentoring opportunities here at EMIC. Contact Pastor Al at 817-252-2964 or email at avelez@kcm.org
Men, unified faith is the incubator for revival!
Let’s continue to join our faith in prayer for the Key Prayer Points below that will continue throughout the month:
- That the men of EMIC and the church at large will believe for More, More, More and More in 2024!
- Psalm 91 protection over our church, leaders and partners for wholeness and prosperity.
- That Pastor George and Pastor Terri and Brother and Sister Copeland are renewed as Eagles in youthfulness, health and utterance in the Holy Spirit
- Complete healing for our church family members that are overcoming.
- Breakthroughs from our time of corporate prayer and fasting.
Men, there are active opportunities to be involved in affecting each one of these areas here at EMIC, our community, schools and patriotic involvement and through effective faith-filled prayers.
To find out how you can be more involved contact Pastor Al Velez at avelez@kcm.org or call 817-252-2964
Our Men’s Ministry is designed to equip you with biblical weapons of warfare and disciple you and one another in the Word of God and in meaningful relationships so that we join our faith together for victory!
Come and be a part of our Men’s Movement!
Don’t miss our next Built to Last Men’s Breakfast! Go online to emic.org/events to register now!
Can’t wait to see you all!
Until then stay strong and courageous!
Love and blessings! Pastor Al
January 20, 2024 Men's Breakfast Video with Pastor George: