Hello 14forty Family, and welcome to our blog page. This is where we will keep you informed and up to date on what’s happening in 14forty.
Upcoming Events
For more information on dates, times, locations, and registration requirements, please click each picture to be taken to the event listing.

Sunday School – 9:00am to 9:45am | Doors open at 8:30, with free breakfast provided.
Wednesday Services – 7:00pm to 8:30pm | Doors open at 6:40, with free dinner provided.
Middle School meets in the SLC2 “Middle School Room” for Sunday and Wednesday services.
High School meets in the SLC Auditorium for Wednesday Services and SLC 204 on Sunday Mornings.

Wednesday, May 3rd, EMIC is having its National Day of Prayer service. There will be no 14forty specific programming, as students will join their families in the main sanctuary. Families are also invited to the special NDP session on Thursday, May 4th, from 10am-12noon. Pastor Terri will be sharing a word, followed by breakout groups, praying over specific topics.
The 2023 Spring Retreat broadcasts have begun. Click below to watch the first 2 messages from “Covenant,” featuring Pastor Holden (week 1) and Pastor Ara (week 2). Stay tuned as more videos are released from this amazing retreat.
For more information, please visit emic.org/events.
If you would like to contact us, please send an email to 14forty@emic.org.
Follow us on your preferred social media platform: @14fortyyouth