Here in Texas, we seem to have a never-ending flow of weird weather patterns. One day it’s 80 degrees outside and the next day it could be below freezing. Most of the time, we can prepare for the weather based on the patterns and predictions. But when an unexpected storm comes, are we really ready?
In Mark 4:35-41 NLT, we see the disciples in a boat attempting to cross the lake when a “fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water.” And Jesus is sound asleep on a pillow while all of this is happening. Now, why isn’t their first reaction to use their faith in the situation? They had been in faith boot camp learning all about what to do in these types of situations. Their lessons were coming straight from the Master.
Maybe they had a lack of confidence? They were still learning how to use faith in their own lives and how God could use them. Jesus obviously trusted that God was working with them because He was asleep! But at least they did the next best thing. The disciples called out to Jesus, who is able to calm each and every storm no matter how big or how strong.
There are so many questions that could come out of this passage of scripture: What could the disciples have done differently? Why would they accuse Jesus of not caring about what’s happening? Did they have more faith in the earthly things around them (boat, waves, etc.) than they had in God? After everything they had witnessed by following Jesus, why was fear able to come in so quickly? Could they have been more prepared before they left the shore?
No matter what the disciples could have done or should have done, the fact remains that the storm still came. And when the storms come, we have to decide whether to react (like the disciples did) or respond by using the faith we know we’ve been given. Here at EMIC/KCM, we faithfully pray Psalm 91 protection over our congregation, eMembers, and Partners. And we’ve received miraculous testimonies of how Jesus got them through the storm while protecting their family and property. But at the time when a Partner is in need after a major storm, God has our Relief Team ready to respond to that call.
Our EMIC/KCM Relief Team is gearing up and will be ready for whatever happens during this year’s storm season. We keep the team prepared by doing training sessions throughout the year and we’re always looking for more volunteers. If you would like more information about our Relief Team, you can join us for our next Interest Meeting on March 5th or click this link and we will contact you with more information. Relief Team Info