– Pastor George Pearsons

Preparing like a CHAMPION.

Our Mission Statement: Take a group of people and disciple them intensely in the Word of God. Teach them an UNCOMMON FAITH to help them stand victoriously in life. 

  • Drill them. That is the only way to overcome the world.

1 John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

The development of our faith into strong overcoming faith is the faith of champions.

Faith Confessions:

  1. My faith is alive in 2025
  2. My faith is activated
  3. My faith is working
  4. My faith is producing results
  5. My capacity for greater faith is enlarging
  6. My faith is growing exceedingly

We are undefeatable, unstoppable, unbreakable and invincible.  – Ps. George

A Champion is someone who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition and a championship series determines the ultimate winner.

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,

Romans 8:37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors [a]and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Some people might think that athletes are good enough to enter a competition

at any time. This is far from the truth. They must prepare themselves before

participating in sporting events. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to

several months. This will give them enough time for physical and mental

preparation and allow them to be at their best when game day arrives.

How athletes prepare:

  1. They assess their physical (spiritual) condition.
  1. 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NLT)
  2. 2 Corinthians 13:5 (MSG)
  3. Proverbs 18:14 (AMPC)
  1. They strip off everything that holds them down.
  1. Get your faith in shape!
  2. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)
  1. They discipline themselves.
  1. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (AMPC)
  2. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (MSG)
  3. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NLT)
  4. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV) Strict Training
  1. They stay focused. 
  1. “Focus has a way of overcoming anxiety” – Gen. Tommy Franks
  2. Philippians 3:12-14 (NLT)
  3. Philippians 3:14 (AMPC)
  1. They develop an intense exercise plan:
  1. Feed on God’s Word.
  2. Meditate the Word.
  3. Act on the Word.
  4. Pray in the Spirit.
  5. Continually give God praise and thanksgiving.




Confession over our Championship Year

 Father, we ask for a mighty and sustained manifestation of Your wonderful glory in this current season; manifesting Your majestic presence, Your awesome power, Your extravagant goodness that brings: 

1. An awakening to You in the body of Christ; waking us out of our apathy, complacency and lethargy! 

 2. An awakening to You in Israel – the apple of Your eye! 

 3. Protection and wisdom for President Trump and those called to his side as he leads our nation under Your providential hand.

 4. Your glory to be made manifest in our church, Your body – the church, our school campuses, our nation and the world. 

 5. Breakthroughs of growth, prosperity, influence and favor for our ministry leaders, KCM, EMIC, KCBC and the Victory Channel.

 6. Personal prosperity and breakthroughs (answers, direction and clarity) for every church member and partner of this ministry. 

 7. And complete preparation in spirit, soul and body for all that is coming.

 – To God be the all the glory, amen!


Unified faith is the incubator for revival!

Let’s continue to join our faith in prayer for the Key Prayer Points below that will continue throughout the month:

  • That the men of EMIC and the church at large will believe for Come Alive in 2025!
  • Psalm 91 protection over our church, leaders and partners for wholeness and prosperity.
  • That Pastor George and Pastor Terri and Brother and Sister Copeland are renewed as Eagles in youthfulness, health and utterance in the Holy Spirit.
  • Complete healing for our church family members that are overcoming.

Men, there are active opportunities to be involved in affecting each one of these areas here at EMIC, our community, schools and patriotic involvement and through effective faith-filled prayers.


To find out how you can be more involved contact Pastor Al Velez at avelez@kcm.org or call 817-252-2964 or Josh Gonzalez at jgonzalez@kcm.org or call 817-252-2903


Our Men’s Ministry is designed to equip you with biblical weapons of warfare and disciple you and one another in the Word of God and in meaningful relationships so that we join our faith together for victory!

Come and be a part of our Men’s Movement!


Don’t miss our next Built to Last Men’s Breakfast! Go online to emic.org/events to register now!


Can’t wait to see you all!

Until then stay strong and courageous – AS ONE!

Love and blessings!   Pastor Al