About John Jester
I am a son of the Most High God, husband of Brittney Jester, father of five children, pastor, preacher and teacher. I have a God-given heart and passion to raise up sons and daughters for the kingdom and to see them manifest the image of the Father. I enjoy ALMOST anything outdoors. I like spending time with my family (immediate and extended), big trucks, reading, and Alabama football (Roll Tide)!
I was born and raised in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia. After high school, I was recruited for competitive speech and debate by the University of Alabama. I came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit during my sophomore year at Alabama. A close friend who had recently rededicated his life to the Lord was relentless in his presentation of the gospel, and I was in desperate need of the Savior. Shortly thereafter, God called me into pastoral ministry, and I began to serve as the student pastor of a church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I was blessed to be mentored by an awesome pastor, several church mommas and daddies, and strong men and women of faith who have spoken into my life over the years. I married Brittney Jester in the spring of 2007, and we have been partners in ministry since then. God has blessed us with so many awesome opportunities! Together we have served in student ministry for more than thirteen years, along with college athletic ministry, music and worship ministry, and youth and adult evangelism. We have been blessed with the opportunity to become spiritual and adoptive parents to several young people, many of whom are serving in pastoral ministry today.
I joined the EMIC staff in January 2014. I currently serve the members of EMIC as an Associate Pastor. I am passionate about every aspect of ministry at EMIC, and I am available to do whatever is necessary to see God's vision for our church accomplished.