Brian Sanders

About Brian Sanders

Email Address:   

Official Title:                  Outreach Pastor


Originally from Spokane, Washington and raised in Lead, South Dakota, I joined EMIC's staff as the Outreach Pastor. I have been a member of the church since 1993 and alumni of the very first membership class. I have been acquainted with KCM since 1973 when my parents became partners.

Our family first visited EMIC because we were looking for a church where my son Zac would be fed the Word. After picking him up from Superkid Academy where Commander Kellie had ministered, I asked my son what he thought of the service. Zac replied, "I don't know where you're going to go to church, but I'm going here!" We have been here ever since.

I am no stranger to ministry. I spent 16 years as the Ministry Director for Mike Barber Ministries. I also faithfully serve in Superkid Academy where I am better known as "Captain B." I especially enjoy training the children who volunteer in the media department.


As our Outreach Pastor, I am excited to see our church mobilize to fulfill Matthew 28:19 which says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...."