Pastoral Care
Caring is the heart of Pastoral Care Ministry at Eagle Mountain Church. Based on the Word of God, Pastoral Care is a ministry of compassion whose motivation is the love of God and the love of His people.
WordWorks Bookstore
Wordworks Bookstore offers a wide selection of Bibles, books, music, gifts and resource materials. We are located inside the Eagle Mountain Church main sanctuary building with an easy access street entrance for weekday shopping as well.
The Passage Coffee Shop
The Passage Coffee Shop, located in the west lobby between the Sanctuary and new Youth and Children’s building, serves espresso drinks, drip coffee, blended ice drinks, and various juices, along with a yummy assortment of cookies, candies and pastries.
The heart of our Passage Coffee Shop team is to provide exceptional service; lovingly “espressed, dripped, and blended”!
Bless Israel
God loves Israel who is “the apple of His eye.” Because we love God we also love Israel. It is imperative for us who are called of God and who love God to come together and be unified in blessing Israel. Blessing Israel pleases our Lord and Savior.