Superkid Academy – April

April Theme: Faith Is!

During the month of April our theme is called “Faith Is!”  I am grateful for our Superkids to be part of a great heritage of faith here at KCM.  It’s so important that we impart into our children the revelation and wisdom that come from our elders.  God chose Abraham because he knew he would pass down his faith to the next generation.  “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” (Genesis 18:19)

Weekly Topics:

•    April 7th – Faith Protects Us: Noah & the Ark (Genesis 6:9-22)
•    April 14th – Faith Gives Us Boldness: Queen Esther (Esther 4 & 5)
•    April 21st – Faith Makes Us Brave: David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
•    April 28th – Faith Moves Us Forward: Moses at the Red Sea (Exodus 14) 

Memory Verse:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Volunteer of the Month:

Wendy Evans

Wendy serves faithfully in our 5 years – Kindergarten class! She is always available when needed with a smile on her face and has helped cover for others when needed. We love having Wendy on our crew! Thank you, Wendy, for sowing into the next generation.

SKA Camp:

Our theme this year at camp is “The Ultimate Race.” Pastor George gave a Word from the Lord that said, “More of Me you will see. More of Me you will experience…All that you have not seen before I will show you and reveal and all the things that you strip away from your lives will make you lighter and lighter…”  We believe that our Superkids are coming to camp hungry to see more of Jesus! They will experience more of Him and will lay aside everything that weighs them down.  Superkids will leave camp lighter than ever and commissioned to run “The Ultimate Race” set before them with joy, endurance, and their eyes fixed on Jesus! 

Registration is now open!

Click the link below for more information and to register!

Platform Team Tryouts:

Our annual platform team tryouts are happening this month!  The platform team is a group of Superkids who minister to their peers during Sunday morning services through various segments such as opening and closing prayer, offering message, memory verse, communion, in the kitchen, in the lab, silly segments and much more!  Your child can sign up on a Sunday or Wednesday afternoon if they would like to tryout.  If your child signs up, we will email you a script and more details regarding the tryouts.

Date:  April 28th

Location:  Classroom B

Time:  8:30am-9:00am

Script:  A memory verse script will be given via email

Passover Seder:

Jr. Superkids and Superkids will learn about the Passover Seder on Wednesday, April 24th. We’re excited to teach the Superkids about this important celebration! Dinner will be provided.