January Theme: Rock Solid
The Word of the Lord through Brother Copeland is 2025 will COME ALIVE! The SKA team is believing that His power will come alive in every area of your family! One of the core values that we teach the Superkids at the beginning of every new year is “We put the Word of God First Place.” So, our theme this month is called SOLID ROCK. Our Superkids will learn that God’s Word and His love for them is a solid rock they can build their lives on. Some of the foundational Bible stories we’ll be sharing is the parable of the wise man and foolish man, and how Jesus taught us to stay anchored in faith and on His word in difficult times. They will also learn how to focus on Jesus even when there are many distractions around them just like Mary did when she chose to listen and sit at His feet. Starting the year off with our focus and attention on Jesus is SO vital for us and our family to come alive in 2025!
2025 Word of the Lord Through Brother Copeland
2025 Will Come Alive!
Weekly Topics:
Jan. 5th – The Wise Man and the Foolish (Matthew 7)
Jan. 12th – The Widow at Zarephath (1 Kings 17)
Jan. 19th – Adam & Eve (Genesis 3)
Jan. 26th – Listen to the Word: Mary Sits at the Feet of Jesus (Luke 10)
Volunteer of the Month- Casey Yates
Casey has served for many years on the Superkid Academy team. He has served as a Sr. Counselor at camp, VBS, special events and on Sunday mornings. He is one of our lead camera operators and teaches our 3rd-5th graders on Sunday mornings how to operate the tech equipment. Casey brings a lot of joy to our students and classroom. We are very thankful for Mr. Casey!

1st-5th Grade Wednesday Night Specials
In 1st-5th grade we are back in session with our Wednesday night specials! See the exciting classes below that your 1st-5th graders will be part of. Service starts at 7pm every Wednesday night!
Pray Like a Superkid– We will be teaching our superkids about prayer, corporate prayer and praying in the spirit. The teachers for this class will be Rashad and Illa Green. Rashad was once a supervisor to the KCM prayer ministers, and Illa works with Iva Bennet’s team as the prayer coordinator. We are excited that this powerful couple will be teaching our Superkids about how to pray!
Masterpiece- This is our first art class in Superkid Academy! They will be learning through the Word of God how they are God’s masterpiece, and then creating beautiful pieces of art. This class will be taught by Sarah Thompson who is a public-school art teacher and serves in our 14forty creative arts group. Sarah is so excited to have the opportunity to teach your children art during our spring specials!
Time Transport– Our Superkids are going back in time in our Bible class called “Time Transport”. Commander Jennifer is going to teach the children about the characteristics of the faithful. So much focus goes on the big testimonies of our faith heroes, but we will learn through the Word of God of what really made these men and women faith heroes. David wasn’t chosen to fight and defeat Goliath by accident. God chose him because he was a man after God’s own heart. What about Ruth? God blessed her because she was faithful and stayed committed to her mother-in law. Character, integrity and a great love and faith in God is what made the heroes of the Bible extraordinary. And it’s these same things that will make ordinary kids become extraordinary!
Basic Training for our 1st and 2nd graders– They will be learning the ABC’s of faith. They will be learning about the operations of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Terri will be speaking at Radiant on January 9th. Doors open at 6:15pm and Superkid Academy will be provided for birth-5th graders. We welcome you to come and hear an on-time word from our senior Pastor!
2025 Superkid Bible Reading Plan
Speaking of putting the Word of God first place, the Superkid Academy Bible reading plan is available to pick up a copy at SKA studios check-in area, or you can download a copy from emic.org. We give out quarterly prizes to the Superkids who complete their Bible reading plans. This is a great incentive to encourage your child to read along with us and get solid in the Word!
Wednesday, January 22nd
There will be no classes or service this evening due to the KCM Minister’s Conference. Join us on the Victory Channel for a message that will strengthen your faith!

Family Breakfast
Join us for our annual Superkid Family Breakfast on Saturday, January 25th at 9:00am in the SLC Auditorium. This is a great time as a family to hear about what your children are learning this year in Superkid Academy. You will also find out about SKA Camp, VBS, and more! 1st – 5th grade will enjoy a tasty breakfast with their family and hear all about what will take place in SKA 2024! Children’s ministry and breakfast will be provided for birth-kindergarten.